Keep Your Hands To Yourself

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A month Later
I pulled into my driveway and saw my son there sitting on the hood of his car.

"What the fuck could he possibly want now," I said out loud. I parked and got out.

"Well well, look who decided to show their face around again," I said walking over to hug him.

As soon as I hugged him he broke down in tears. I was not good with this kind of shit.

"Whoa whoa son. What's goin on man? Look at me," I said lifting his head.

"Dad I miss her. I can't do this shit. I love Val. That's my heart," he said sniffling like a little bitch. Part of me understood because I too was in love with Valorie.

"Tay look. You gon have to move on. You blew it and it hurts right now. I get it, but it's over baby boy. You don't need to let no woman stress you out."

He snatched away from me. "Idk why the fuck I even came here. You can't be a fuckin father to save your life. You ain't shit and you definitely don't know about being a good man. You cheat on Carla every chance you get. Horrible excuse for a man. You probably wanna fuck Valorie you fucking pervert."

Without thinking I punched him dead in his mouth. "You ungrateful little piece of shit", I said before punching him again.

"The nerve of your black ass!!! You think I give a fuck about you or your ex girlfriend? I don't!! Get yo whiny weak ass the fuck out my yard before I grab my damn gun. Little pussy," I said giving him one last swing.

I was so pissed I got in my car to leave first. I sped out of my driveway like a maniac. I dialed Val up and she went straight to voicemail. I was furious!!!!

I flew to her house as fast as I could and banged on the door.

She opened the door and looked like she had just woken up.

"Damien what the fuck? Why are you banging on my door like a psycho?" She asked startled. I pushed past her. She closed the door and came over to me.

"What's going on? You look pissed," she said in a concerned voice.

"I had to whoop Dante's ass. That little mf came to my house crying over you. I told him to move on and he got mouthy so I taught him a little lesson on respect."

She moved away from me as if she was scared. I could see tears filling up in her eyes.

" he okay? Why would you hit him? I..I don't understand Damien. He's your son not some nigga on the street," she said now crying at this point.

I was so fucking mad. She still had feelings for him too!! I walked over to her. "So you still love him? You taking up for him now? Disrespectful!!!" I said slapping her across the face.

She fell over her couch. I grabbed her and pulled her back over it by her hair. I slapped her ass again. She was bleeding from the mouth and crying but I didn't give a fuck. She needed to be taught respect just like him.

"You belong to me!!! You told me you loved ME!!! There is no more you and Dante!! Don't speak to him don't go see him!!! Do you fucking understand me?"

She nodded. "Fix your face and put on something nice. I'll be back in an hour to pick you up," I said walking out of the door.

I got up and ran to the bathroom. My mouth was leaking all over the place. This past month had been magical with Damien until now. I couldn't even process what happened. He put his got damn hands on me!!! He hurt my Dante!!!

I knew something was off about Damien, I just didn't know what. I definitely didn't wanna chance it or make him upset. I got up and cleaned my face and got dressed. I was so fucking livid. My biggest issue was Dante.

About an hour or so later I got text saying I'm outside. I took a deep breath, and walked out the door not knowing what the fuck to expect. I got into the car and didn't even look his way.

"You look beautiful," he said grabbing my thigh. I kept my eyes in front of me.

"Val I'm sorry. I was upset. The thought of you wanting Dante killed me. You picked him over me. I love you so much baby."

I remained silent. He sounded like a child. He gently grabbed my face and turned it towards him.

"You forgive me? Please," he begged.

I snatched away from him.

"You are bigger, you are stronger, but don't fucking scare me. He began laughing.

"You're fucking psycho!! I don't even have to threaten you. I'll let my father know you can't keep your hands to yourself the next time you touch me."

He ignored my statement and kissed my cheek. "Please forgive me baby. I'll never touch you like that again. I swear," he said with the most sincere look in his eyes. Call me an idiot but it melted my heart.

"Make that the last and only time you ever put your hands on me."

He kissed me softly. "I'll never hit you again," he said smiling. I smiled back. I don't know what we have, but maybe just maybe I am starting to fall for him.

"So Val when will you be telling Dante about us? I know I said don't contact him but you do have to deliver the news."

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "As soon as you tell Carla. You've been putting that off for a while here," I said smacking my lips. I could tell he was annoyed because he was clinching his jaw.

"You know I'm working on it Val."

I decided to change the subject. "So...where are we going," I asked while stroking his face.

He smiled and said "a party baby. You're gonna love it."

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