Too Little Too Late

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I pulled into me and Damien's beautiful home. He's never here anymore so I figured I'd sneak back into town and enjoy a few days to myself. Damien has so many private properties in California. All to cheat with his tramps.

I smiled to myself. I'm gonna give Damien those divorce papers so I can be done with this situation. I had someone else finally.

I got out and walked into our lonely bedroom. I stripped down quickly and walked into the bathroom to have a shower. The hot water hit my skin and all I could do was smile. I'm so close to getting rid of his ass. Don't get me wrong I love him but I won't continue being a fool.

I ran my fingers threw my hair and out of nowhere the shower door opens. I look in front of me and it's Damien. He's covered in blood and I could tell he had been crying.

"Damien...wha..what happened? I'm sure you got yourself into some foolishness again. Probably sleeping with someone's young daughter," I said chuckling a bit.

He looked at me and just bursted into tears. This had to be serious. My thoughts went straight to Dante.

"Dan...Danny is home and in the hospital. It's all my fault. They wanted me." He stepped into the shower with me fully clothed. "Carla I'm sorry. I know I haven't been the best husband. I know you hate me. I hate me," he said while crying.

Compassion filled me. I felt bad for him. He's done a lot of bs over the years so I wouldn't be surprised if someone was after him. I started pulling his clothes off. He helped me as he continued to sob uncontrollably. I grabbed his face and kissed him softly.

I felt a tear drop from my eyes. I was about to make love to my husband for the last time. Part of me was sad because I knew he was hurting. The other part of me didn't care. He had hurt me for years.

He grabbed me and picked me up and pushed me against the shower wall. He slid into me slowly. I moaned softly in his ear.

"Carla I'm going to do better baby. I love you so much," he said sliding himself in and out of me gently. Don't get me wrong he felt amazing but I didn't feel the same. It was like having sex with a stranger. I don't feel anything.

He picked up his speed whispering Im sorries in my ear. Harder and harder he slammed into me. I moaned louder and louder in pleasure but slowly my thoughts of ecstasy started to leave and visions of all the bullshit he had done filled my head. All the women he had been caught with, all the receptionists he fucked, all the gambling and crooked shit he had brought into my company.

He thrusted into me hard one last time finishing up. I was grateful it was over.

I let Carla down and stepped back to look at her. She was beautiful. How had I not realized that I've had such a perfect wife? I wanted to make up for everything I had done. For every time I made her cry...I was going to make up for it all. She climbed out of the shower and I followed. I watched her dry off and lotion her perfect body. I dried off and climbed into bed.

She climbed in after and I wrapped my arms around her. What happened tonight opened my eyes. Fuck Valorie and every other girl I was with behind my wife's back. From here on out...I'm going to be the best husband i can be.

The Next Morning
I woke up and Carla was not beside me. There was just an envelope. I picked it up and opened it. My heart dropped as I saw both her wedding ring and divorce papers. I jumped up and grabbed a pair of shorts and ran downstairs.

I got down there just in time. She had a suitcase and was walking out. I ran in front of her and closed the door. "Carla what the fuck do you think you're doing," I asked angrily.

She looked at me with a cold blank expression and said "The fuck does it look like? I've tolerated your shit way too damn long Damien," she said in a rage filled tone. I came closer making eye contact.

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "You think I'm scared of you? You scare those babies you mess with. I'm grown that mess doesn't work."

I was so angry I wanted to pick her up by her throat and throw her ass through the got damn wall. I placed my hands on both sides of her. "Carla I don't know what type of game this is but don't fuck with me right now. You said last night you wanted to fix things," I pleaded with her.

"Damien you said that shit. I never said it. I'm not and haven't been happy for a long fucking time. You and your whores running around riding in cars I purchased and fucking in houses that belong to me. I'm sick of it all," she said moving me out of her way.

"Damien I've tried. I really did. I'm done. I have photos as proof of your infidelity. I just want my business and this house. You can give it up or I can take everything from your ass and you can go back to slinging 20 bags on the corner," she said.

I grabbed her by her throat. "Bitch I will..." she interrupted me and said "what Damien? What you'll kill me? Fucking do it!! I'd rather die than spend another moment being married to your scumbag ass."

Those words in that moment stung. She didn't care. She is really done with me. She slapped my hand away from her throat.

"You can keep the other properties but I want your shit out of here and you can leave the company. Get your shit from there as well," she said.

I picked up the lamp and smashed it on the floor. "Got damn it Carla that's my company."

She gave me a devilish smile and ran her hand across my face lightly. "Damien signed that away, but you my dear were too busy with your whores to pay attention," she said chuckling.

I was crushed. First Danny now this shit. "Carla please I'm changed I swear."

She walked towards the door again. "Sign the divorce papers and do as I said. Make this easier for us both. If you can't do that I'll see you in court," she said sliding her sunglasses on and walking out the door.

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