1st Day In Hell

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The Next Day
I pulled up to work. It's my first day and let me tell you....there's not an excited bone in my body. Those words were burning my ears. He wanted me to forget all about Dante.

I got out of the car and put on my best fake smile. "Time to fake it til I make it." I walked into the building feeling like all eyes were on me. It's no secret I am fine af. I worked that building like I was in a damn fashion show.

My black stockings and pinstripe skirt set. Tight enough for you to see every curve. I flashed my pearly whites at everyone that walked by until I got to my office.

First thing I see on my desk is a dozen roses. I smiled and grabbed the note attached.

I'm sorry I know I overreacted, but I love you. Being without you is the worst feeling in the world. I'm down to take it slow if you are. Have a good first day of work babygirl.

Love, Dante

My heart was smiling...but my mind was all on Damien and what he said. Just then I had a knock at the door.

"Come in," I said. Speak of the devil. Damien's ass walked into my office looking and smelling amazing. I hated that he could make the kitty leak just looking at me.

He closed the door behind him and closed the blinds.

"Good morning. I came to brief you on your work today," he said grinning. I laughed a little.

"You don't need to close my door and blinds to do that Mr. smith"

He rushed over to me and crashed his lips into mine. "Fuck I can't get enough of you," he said in between kissing me. I couldn't get enough of him either. I love Dante but his father drives me in....fucking....sane!!!!

He pulled my skirt up to reveal my pussy and ass. "Good girl no panties," he said pushing me into my chair. He dropped to the floor and began kissing my thighs when out of the blue I hear a fucking knock at my office door.

I uncle around getting myself together while pushing Damien under the space in my office.

"Who...who is it," I ask out of breath.

"It's me Mrs. Smith." I literally lost all color in my face. Damien's wife was at my fucking office door.

I cleared my throat. "Come in," I say trying not to showcase the fact that I was fucking losing my shit inside.

She walked in with her long black hair curled and slicked to the side, her long extra ass dress, and that old ass lady perfume. She looked great for her age tho. I can't lie.

"I just wanted to personally come visit and show you around MY company today," she said with that same evil face.

I could feel Damien sliding his hand up my skirt. I started to squirm.

"Thank you so much. I look forward to the tour. I've always dreamed of working here."

Damien started to softly massage my clit. I started squirming again, trying to keep my composure. Carla walked over to my desk and looked at the roses.

"Lovely roses. Did they come from Damien," she looked up at me her eyes piercing through me. If looks could kill....I'm certain I'd be one dead bitch.

"N...no. That would be incredibly inappropriate and unprofessional. They are actually from my ex boyfriend Dante. Your son," I say nervously.

Her eyes softened a bit as if she was relieved. Me on the other hand...I was losing it squirming like crazy as this man was fully eating my pussy under the table.

"I'm sorry Valorie and Dante is my step son. You must understand that my husband is always hiring these young, naive girls so that he can fuck them for a job."

What the fuck did she just say? I knew he was full of shit!!!

"Dante is nothing like that. Whatever he did to become your ex.....give him a second chance. He's weaker than Damien, but he's a better man," she said.

With that she walked out closing the door. As soon as she did....I let out a loud moan, releasing all over Damien's face. I didn't even get time to catch my breath before sliding my chair back.

"Get the fuck up!! I can't believe you," I said rolling my eyes.

He stood up and looked at me. "One...you enjoyed it and two my wife is a liar. We have an arrangement and I'd happily leave her for you," he said.

He grabbed my hands. "Cute roses you have. I can buy you better shit...like cars and diamonds. I'm a real man. Dante is a boy," he said kissing my hands.

I snatched away my hands. "You're crazy. You don't even know me to leave your wife for me. This is too much. This whole situation is too much."

He came closer to me and grabbed me by the back of my neck hard. "Val I told you before...don't be stupid. I'm not asking you anything. I'm telling you...you're mine. You will end this shit between you and my son in the time frame I gave you. I will serve that bitch of a wife her papers and it will be you and me. Got it," he asked yanking my hair.

"Okay..okay get off of me," I said slapping his hands.

I could feel tears running down my face. Not sad tears, but angry ones. I wanted to kill this mf.

"I'll see you later beautiful", he said kissing my cheek. He walked out of my office and I sat there....stuck, scared, and fucking confused about what just happened.

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