Chapter 15

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Yay for longest post I've ever posted!

EDIT (November 2015): Thank you everyone for informing me of how long the chapters were...98 pages, etc. I apologize for this. I was a naive nineteen-year-old. I am twenty-one now, and realize this mistake.

EDIT (June 2019): HOW DID I EVEN MANAGE TO WRITE 10K IN ONE DAY?! I can barely manage 1,000. **sobs into keyboard**


I woke up the following morning around five. I could hear the neighbors waking up outside the window above mine and Harry's bed. I looked over to him as I sat up and noticed he was still in a deep slumber. He was probably tired from all the traveling yesterday, he also met a lot of new people. I was anxious to see what kind of things my father would have him do for the farm, I was curious at how he would react to what we do. 

I stood up and walked over to my suitcase and pulled an outfit for the day out and changed into it silently so I didn't wake up Harry. I ran my fingers through my hair and threw it up into a bun on the top of my head quickly. 

I went to the small kitchen and grabbed a bucket and walked outside to the well. I saw a bunch of other women there, including Mum and Lucas. So he was mum's little helper, I figured as much. He was always my favorite brother, and with reason.

"Morning mum," I smiled  walking up behind her and Lucas.

"Morning, sleep well?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Just wake up?"

"Yes," Mum nodded. "Your father doesn't believe you're back in town, wait until he sees Prince Harry coming to help him."

"I know, I look forward to seeing Harry do manual labor," I laughed. "The most I've seen him do is guard duty. That is it, nothing more than that," I smiled. "I am looking forward to spending the day with you, mum."

"And I'm looking forward to spending the day with Dad," Lucas stated with the biggest fake smile as he clapped his hands together. "The past few weeks have been the most joyous weeks of my life, Emmie. No dad for this guy."

"Any wife of yours will love you because you know how to cook," Mum smiled patting Lucas on the cheek. "You making the usual for breakfast?"

"Yes," I nodded. "I think he needs the whole experience," I laughed thinking of home made hash browns and eggs with a glass of milk. "He hasn't experienced Ula until he's had breakfast here."

"Hopefully he won't mind the splurge of pepper," Mum smiled to me.

"He's a pepper addict, too," I smiled. Lucas took the pail from mum and walked over to the well and lowered it down filling it with water. When he brought it back up, he took mine and did the same for me. 

"Where are you staying?" Lucas asked.

"Mr. and Mrs. Julienne's old house," I said. "So not too far from here."

"Good, because then I won't have to carry it far," Lucas laughed as we walked down the dirt roads together. "Do you like him?"

"I do," I nodded with a smile. "He's a gentleman and he intrigues me. I'm actually learning to read."

"Oh, how wonderful," My mother sighed. "I do wish I could've taught you but with as many boys as we have, well... I'm afraid there just wasn't enough time in the day."

"It's okay," I smiled. "His sister gave me one of those computer things and there is a program on it that helps you learn to read. It's fun, but makes me feel as if I'm five years old."

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