Chapter 36

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I walked back into my bedroom about twenty minutes after I left my mum's house. It was nice to be back in a place I was so familiar with. I never thought I would say that about returning to the palace, but here I was thinking it. Mum's house was full of chaos and here, it was the calm.

Harry was sitting on my now made bed, one of his arms bent behind his head. He had his feet crossed and was watching the TV. He smiled to me as I slouched, dropping the bag to the floor and shuffled to my bed collapsing against it letting out a loud groan.

"So you had fun then?" he laughed looking over to me. I groaned again. "That much? Wow, I'm sad I missed the party."

"It wasn't even my house anymore, you know?" I asked sitting up. "Like I know it's my family's house, but it wasn't. My mum's obsessed with dogs and buying children's books—I'll explain that one in a bit. Lucas is engaged. Mikey was fired—"

"I knew about that one," he muttered. I gave him a look. "I assumed you knew!"

"Ugh!" I groaned falling back against the bed. "Mum's also obsessed with cooking. Like obsessed. She gave me four containers of food. She made spinach wraps."

"Interesting," he nodded looking at me with an amused smile on his face.

"Don't be smirking because that is what we're having for lunch," I laughed hopping off the bed and grabbing the bag of food. 

"Oh, ow! My stomach, it hurts!" he fake groaned holding his stomach and winced in pain. "Only sex will make it better."

"You're shitting me," I laughed. "You are so horny it's not even funny."

"You're hot, babe. You drive me mad," he smiled rubbing his stomach up and down. "I'm not kidding about the sex though."

"I'm aware, I just chose to ignore it," I said handing him a wrap. He looked at the green tortilla with a raised brow. "Don't ask me how it tastes. Mum's a little bit nutty from what I could tell. She has bobble heads of dogs around the house."

"Children's books?" Harry asked. "You said you would explain."

"Right," I said as I plopped down next to him. "She was like super excited about the books she's been getting from Xander's shop. She has this cabinet that goes up to waist, right. Well, she opens it up and she has loads of children's books."


"For her grandkids," I laughed. "She has none."

"So why?"

"She wants to be prepared I guess," I laughed. "She has no hobbies besides cooking and collecting creepy dog things so I'll let her have fun."

"Hmm... interesting," Harry nodded taking a bite of the wrap. I still had mine in my hand waiting for him to make any reaction to the food. He chewed, nodding his head. "Are you waiting to see what I think?" he asked.

"No," I said, a smile growing on my face.

"Liar," he laughed. "It's okay."

"Yeah, it doesn't look that great," I laughed. He took the wrap from my hand and placed it on his lap. "I'll just have the pie."

"Pie?" he asked, his eyes wide. "I love pie."

"I know," I giggled pulling it out of the bag. Mum gave me some silverware so I took the forks and handed one to Harry. He placed it next to the other wrap. "I also had a few cookies at mum's house."

"A few?" he asked.

"Three, but they were good," I said raising my hands up. "They were in a dog jar."

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