My Cross to Bear (Final Part)

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The cloud of smoke hits against a wall Maku has quickly made with MAshido. MAshido appears to mimic an elastic substance. As the cloud of smoke penetrates MAshido, MAshido expands as it stretches all the way to Maku's face managing to keep the smoke trapped inside. As it reaches its stretching limit MAshido encapsulates the smoke and morphs back into a thick bow and arrow. Maku releases the arrow containing the cloud of smoke, returning it back to Aiddo.

Aiddo doesn't wince and stands calmly as the arrow heads his way. The gold bangle around his upper arm begins to disintegrate into gold dust.

Inches before the arrow reaches him, Aiddo opens his gloved hand and holds his palm out. The arrow stops in midair as if obeying his silent command and turns back around. Maku prepares to shield himself but the arrow passes him, heading towards the crowd of frozen people.

Maku realizes the arrow is meant for the crowd of frozen civilians and instinctively reacts.

"MAshido!" He utters.

MAshido forms quickly into a platform shaped like a long-board. Maku jumps onto it and races towards the crowd as he "surfs" in the air.

Maku catches up to the arrow and reaches out for it. Before he can grab it, it speeds up.

The arrow is headed towards a man frozen with a terrified look on his face. Before it hits him Maku creates a barrier on both sides of the arrow to contain it.

He creates more barriers in the midst of the crowd to guide the arrow safely through them. The arrow bounces off of MAshido's walls like a pinball machine.

The arrow makes direct contact with the window of a bakeshop. Its glass explodes as does the advertised baked goods.


Nani is using REI to hit King's cross. REI bounces off of the surface of the cross multiple times.

'Not even a scratch. When is this guy going to...'

An eerie creaking noise sounds from the cross as the cross begins to slowly open. King places one hand-holding the open book, on the outer part of the cross. He then places his opposite hand on the other end. He uses the leverage to lunge his body forward to step out of his cross.

"How in the..." Naninatso mutters to himself as he stands in shock at what's before him. 


Shikauhno turns around and runs straight toward her lookalikes. She double kicks two of the others who are in the front. They fall backwards onto their bottoms and tumble down the stairs. Shikauhno also falls to her bottom. The one left standing holds a small dagger in her hands. She brings it down on Shikauhno's head. Shikauhno blocks it with the handle of her sword. She then grabs that other's wrist and flings her from off the stairs into the void. The dagger falls onto the stairs.

Blue shards appear from where the other fell and attach to Shizukana's blade.

Shikauhno notices the shards added to her sword. 'I think I get it now.  Each other I defeat will become one with Shizukana. Let's do this.'

The other with short hair tries to grab Shizukana from Shikauhno and nudges her towards the edge. As they struggle the second other heads toward them. Shikauhno notices her and tries to kick her away but she quickly recovers and persistently continues to attack. As Shikauhno still holds onto the handle of Shizukana she tries to fend them off. The other one with longer hair throws a punch at Shikauhno and she dodges. The short haired other holding the end of the blade kicks Shikauhno. She stumbles back and the second other tries to grab the handle of Shizukana from Shikauhno.

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