Remnant Juice Refresher (On episode 8)

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Previously in episode eight:

Naninatso and King has been going at it in an intense battle. Fortunately, the fight has been in Nani's favor. However, things are going too smooth and suddenly the crown of thorns around King's head begins to sprout on Nani. After successful defeating her second version of her self, Shikauhno must face off a massive group of her Others. After almost being overtaken by the mass of clones, Shikauhno's true powers begin to surface as her eye changes color and a mysterious voice speaks to Shikauhno, defining Shizukana as the blade of truth and compelling her to finish the fight. Meanwhile, Maku faces off with Aiddo Sidrow. As the two battle, Maku juggles protecting the civilians who seems to have been frozen in time while trying to defeat Aiddo. 

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