They met again...?

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The next morning...

Mihawk and Dova went with Diarmuid (the handsome broker) to check some houses and pick were they will pass the rest of their lifes.

Perona collected her stuff and went to find Zoro at the station near the mall.

Luchia (Mihawk's little sister) woke up early and prepared pancakes for breakfast and as a thanks to Maddie's hospitality.

I woke up by the smell of pancakes and noticed that Luchia wasn't sleeping next to me. I stood up and walked in the kitchen. I stretched my body and yawn. "Good morning, Luchia."

"Good morning, Maddie. I am making pancakes, they will be ready in a minute~" She sang happily and prepared the toppings for our breakfast.

"Thank you so much!!! I never understood how your brother and you are in good shape when you are making delicious treats all the time." I told her. I knew that Luchia was a great cook.

The black hair girl giggled. "Thank you but I am not making them all the time. And this is your sister's recipe."

"Really? I have to eat Dova's pancakes years now... They smell so good! I can't wait taste them." I clapped and noticed on the table a topping that smelled .... rum. "Luchia, what is this topping?" I wonderd.

"This is bitter chocolate melted with rum.  I thought it about myself because Zoro doesn't have a sweet tooth and it was one of his favourite when..." Luchia paused herself and turned back to the pan.

"Luchia? Are you okay?" I asked her... I really wanted to help her but this was something that she had to solve it by herself.

"Yeah, of course. I will go to the mall after breakfast to buy ours siblings weeding gift." She gave me a big smile and changed the subject.

She sat on the chair and served our breakfast and I put from the chocolate rum and some fresh fruits to try them. I took a bite. "MMMM!!!! YUMI!!! IT'S SO GOOD! Luchia your are the best!"

Luchia giggled one more time and thanked me.

"Can you remind me why you went to a music college?" I chew my breakfast and told her why she didn't became a chef.

She sang one lyric. "Hold me, hold me. Hold me and adore me. I can't live with out you, baby" Luchia sang beautifully and said. "Now, I remember... Luchia tell me about your boyfriend. Is he from you college?"

"No, he is older. He had work as a model but right now he is helping a friend as a broker until they will find a replacement." She told me and I demanded. "Do you have a picture of him?"

"Of course. Let's see." The girl in front of me searched her phone.... and showed me.

"Here he is!"  She showed me a picture of a handsome man who looked like. "Oh my God!!! He is like Lancer from Fate/Zero"

The same time with Mihawk and Dova

"Wow! Look at this kitchen." Dova said in awe-inspiring. The kitchen (and the whole house was brand new) big and clean and dreamy like it popped out of a fairytale. 

"And also a back door for the garden." Diarmuid the broker said and open the door and the couple went to check the garden.

Dova and Mihawk looked at each other eyes and smiled together. They had decided and said together.

"We will take this one."

Outside the mall near the bus station

"Where the hell were you? I am waiting here for two hours!!! Baaaka!" Perona was yelling to the green hair guy who is horrible with directions.

"You came to early! It's not my fault!" He said because he could not ever admit that he was getting lost all the time.

"I know you are hopeless. Let's go get some food... I'm starving!"

The pink hair girl grabbed his hand and her suitcase and dragged them inside the mall.

"Baaaka!!! Let go!" Zoro yelled to Perona as they were walking inside the mall.

"I am not stupid. If I let go of your hand, you will get lost in a second."

" Damn it! I'm not getting lost!"

Perona decided to ignore him and go get something sweet.... when she stopped her step.

Zoro asked her. "What happened?" She didn't say anything and just stared. He turned his attention where the pink hair girl was staring and saw...

A beautiful young lady... A girl around his age, tall with black curls and .... She was wearing a black long skirt which hugging her curves. Her name Luchia Dracule. She was the little sister of his guardian and also.... She was his girl.... But he had lost her... He never forgot the tears that he caused her... He never forgive himself because he made her cry...

Luchia was trying to carry a huge box but it was difficult for her to carry and trying to push it but still she looked troubled of what she had to do.

Zoro had freeze.

Perona noticed that and told him. "Go help her. What are you looking at? You need to make up and I know that you still have feelings for her... and that I don't have a chance with you even if I was the reason that you break up. "

Zoro gulped down and Perona just pushed him and went to hide behind a pillar.

Luchia caught the box and tried to carry it. "It's so heavy... And Diarmuid is still working... Who is going to help me?" She murmured and then the box slipped from her grasp and panicked. "NO!!!"

But the box never touched the ground... With relief Luchia said. "Thank you so much for catching it!" Then she looked at the man who was holding her box. The stared each other and said nothing... It was awkward for both of them.

Her ex boyfriend. Her first love. And the man who she couldn't get out of her mind was in front of her.

Then she decided to break the ice. " Long time no see, Zoro. Thanks for saving my box."

The Perfect You Marco x OC & Mihawk x OC AU!Where stories live. Discover now