Sisters talk about feelings

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"Well, when you left to call Mihawk I went to the lake and I sat there like always and I was thinking what our mother's friend told me... That every single flower will find its couple..." I blushed and hugged the teddy elephant.

My older sister giggled. "Go on, Maddie."

"I thought why he can't be my flower and then he showed up from nowhere."

"That's a very nice coincidence. Why were you thinking of him? What special did you see?" Dova asked me. She was asking me with a grin on her lips because she knew that I did not crush on somebody easily. I was very glad to have Dova as my sister even if she was scolding me sometimes, she always helped me and be by my side when I needed her.

"Marco is working in the travel agency. When I went to figure where I should sent you for your honeymoon, he told me so many things for so many beautiful places in the world and showed me many amazing pictures. Marco is the one who shot them. He has a photography hobby." I smiled wide like an idiot.

Dova gigled again. "I guess he has an artistic side."

I nodded. "And he helped me to find again my passion on drawing. Marco told me such sweet words to me and reminded me that I have to do it in the way I love." I squeezed the teddy elephant in my hug.

"Then I should thank that guy because your last exhibition was a big success and so wonderful." She purred and sat next to me. I lied with my head on her lap and my sister stroked my head.

I took a breather. "Dova... I feel so weird when I see him. A happy weird feeling.... I don't know. When I saw him in my exhibition and today in the festival... it was so nice. I wish I could past more time with him. Today I had such a good time. We laughed, we played games. He is very good in shooting games. He won for me this teddy. Dova... I don't know what is going on...." 

She continued petting my head and told me. "I know very well what is going on. Maddie you have a crush on Marco and I hope that he is as good as you are describing because if he is not then he'll have troubles."

I looked up at her. "How did you feel when you first met Mihawk?"

She was looking at me with a loving face. "Like a lost puppy."

"Really? I always though that you were very confident." I said surprised.

"With Mihawk was different he is so serious and mature man and I was worried to did not pass me for .... anything bad I guess."

Wow! I've never imagined that Dova would think like that for herself. She was always so calm, sweet and mature. Always confident and knew how to talk and act... 

"So Dova you had your worries too?" I tittled my head and she nodded.

"Of course I had. Men like Mihawk is unique and I'm not saying this because I'm in love. But of course don't tell him. This is a secret I'm keeping." She winked playfully and I continued my questions.

"When did you realize that you're in love with him?"

The two of us did not know that Dova's fiance was ready to knock our door but stopped when he heard the last question and listened what his future wife had to say.

"When I realized that I'm in love with him.... I remembered it like it was yesterday. Do you remember my last game?" 

Well something I had forgot to tell you what Dova and Mihawk were doing for a living. My future brother in law was the best basketball player of the world and my sister Dova was the best female basketball player of the world but she quited and had a perfume store.

Why did my sister stopped playing basketball? When she was at the top, the money was a lot and was doing what she loved. I have the answer. When she was younger she had an accident and damaged her right leg. The doctors had told her that if she continued to pressing her leg then there was a possibility of disability. But she had so much passion with basketball and didn't stop.

In her last game Dova scored the last point for her team and hanged out the basket and then she fell hard on the wooden floor. My sister wasn't able to stand up, she was crying and for first time I saw her so scared.

"I remembered it. We all were so worried when we saw you falling in TV. The game was is another city." I felt so sad when I recalled in my memory. I was watching with my parents the game and suddenly we saw Dova crying unable to stand.

"Mihawk was the one who run by my side. I was terrified when I could't feel my leg. When I told him that with no second thoughts he took me in his arms and went me to the nearest hospital. He stayed by my side and after the surgery he brought me a bouquet with roses. Mihawk was the one who helped me restore my broken spirit. He told me that everything is going to be alright and whatever will happen he will be here for me. Those days in the hospital I realized not only that I'm in love with him but I can't imagine my life with out this man. I wish you Maddie with all my heart that you'll find a man who will care for you as much as Mihawk cares for me."

Mihawk was outside of the door and heard her words, he smiled and though. 'I can't imagine my life with out you either. I'm in love with you, Dova.'

Author's note: I'm so sorry!!! I know that was a very late update!!! I want to thank you if you are still reading this! I sorry again. I know I am awful.... 

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