Call me Marco

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I was two hours at Mr. Phoenix's office and he was talking to me for so many beautiful places of the world. The description was very specific because he was talking about his personal experience. That was soooo awesome!!!! He had travel in so many places because of his work... I was listening like a little kid who was hearing a fairytale for a first time. I wondered how old was he and he had travel in so many places. I was looking at him and I was just thinking why was I just staying at home when there were so many amazing things in the world?

"Miss King, do you hear me?"

I popped out of my thoughts. "Yes, I'm sorry. I was just thinking your job is awesome!!! You have travel all over the world and you are too young!!! How old are you anyway?"

He chuckled. "I do like my job but it's not a big deal. I am 26 anyway."

I yelled and had stars on my eyes. "Wow!!! This is so cool!!! I am 24 and I've never travelled anywhere..."

"You will have the chance to travel---..."

I cut him abruptly. "Are you kidding me?!? I don't have a social life! I am staying all day in my house painting what the rich bastards want!!! I have forget what art is!!!! When I started my career I was so happy because I believed that people loved my art because it was coming out of my heart, passion, happiness, sadness, thoughts and my soul but after I released that I couldn't continued like that if I want to success!!!! I am a 'successful' artist, I have bunch of money because rich people are wasting their money only to show off and proved that they are friends of art but the most of them they don't!!! I still remembered when I sold my first painting to an old man!!! And he advised me to never lose this talent and continued what I was doing!!!" I started crying and collapsed.

I was crying unstoppable. Mr. Phoenix was speechless but after he gave me tissues and tried to cheer me up. "I am sure you still have the flame in you."

I blowed my noise in a tissue. "No, you can't understand. I have no friends and I am not doing what I like because I paint what they want and not what I really want...."

He stood up and came in front of me. "I am sure you are an amazing person and sure an artist and you don't have to cry. Look, I am not doing what I really love. When I was young I dreamed to be a photographer but I did not success it. So, I am still doing it as a hobby, until today. You did what a few people accomplished. You made your dream come true. So, do it like you want it and this time make sure you are doing it for yourself!"

I stared at him and no words were coming out of my mouth. He was right, I just opened up to a stranger but he told me such wonderful things. I couldn't believe that I was such a weak person.

When my tears dried, he hugged me and stroked my head. "Relax, everything it's gonna be okay. Wear a smile and do what you love."

I turned up my gaze to see his face. "Thank you, Mr. Phoenix."

"Call me Marco."

The Perfect You Marco x OC & Mihawk x OC AU!Where stories live. Discover now