Her Knight

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The night had come and we were to my too soon brother in law house and we were having dinner. After of a long time we had the four of us gather eating and enjoying the night.

My big sister had prepared all Luchia's favourite food and sweets. We had a long conversation of how our time passed and then the phone rang.

"I will get it!" Luchia stood up and happily picked up the phone of her house.

"Luchia speaking." The black hair girl smiled but when she heard the voice of the other side off the line her smiled faded away and she was angry but she controled herself. She walked and gave the phone to her big brother. "It's for you."

Mihawk took the phone and talked as Luchia sat down and listened carefully and when her brother closed the phone she glared to her brother and told him. "If she comes I will leave."

"Come on Luchia. She is coming here only for the weeding."

"I don't care. She can go and stay with someone else."

Dova and I looked each other as long as we tried to understand what they were talking about.

The man told to his little sister. "Don't act like a child. I know you don't like each other but for few days you can get along."

Luchia stood up and hit her palms on the table. "Not after what she done. I don't want her here. She can go and stay with Zoro or a hotel.  If she comes I will leave."

Luchia run to her room and slamed the door. 

And the three of us were like what happend. Dova gave a small smile and gently stood up. "I will go and talk with her. I'm sure we will find a solution."

Mihawk signed, he never had saw his sister like that. "Please do it." Dova hugged his neck and whispered to him. "Don't worry. I'm here." He kissed her palm and whispered back. "Thank you." Then my sister went to the girl's room and I stayed with my too soon brother in law.

I looked at him. "My sister loves you a lot. You are very lucky you have her. Don't you even dare to hurt her."

Mihawk smirked and told me. "I promise. I won't."

I stared at him with big eyes and asked. "Who was on the phone and Luchia got mad?"

"Why don't we change a subject for now? Don't you have any news."

"Well, I do have. I booked your honeymoon!" I said happily and before he talked I winked. "But I am not gonna tell you anything else."

"Oh, come on! I want to know."

"It's a surprise! I won't tell anyone. Only me and the guy from the travel agency know details." I puffed my cheeks.

"Can you at least tell me the agency." He tried but I won't fall.

"No way! You will leard when you will be married."

"Unfair." He sipped his wine annoyed.

Then Luchia's smartphone rang. She had let it on the table and we saw the name of the contact in her screen number My knight <3

My brother and I gave an unsure glare to each other from the name and after Mihawk yelled. "Luchia, your phone."

Then her voice heard through the door. "Can you get it?" Mihawk took it in his palmed and said. "Are you sure?" and I continued. "Luchia it's your knight with heart. We can not pick it up." 

Suddenly the door opened we saw Luchia with a flustered face and she grabbed her phone and run back inside her room, pushed Dova out and closed the door. My sister and I stucked our ears on her door.

Mihawk scolded us that it was no right to eavesdrop someone but I told him. "But don't you want to know who Her Knight is? " Dova agreed with me and after he also stucked his ear on his sister door. "And you were doing the difficult?" I teased him but Dova Shhh us.

We stayed quiet and heard Luchia.

"What? Sweetie don't you think it's a little early to meet my family?"

We looked at each other. And I was ready to comment put Dova put a finger on my lips.

"You found it! Really? The one I showed you on the catalogue?.....I owe you! They will love it!"

I whispered. "What they are talking about?"


"Okay... Good night. Love ya." She meow playfully.

We understood that the door would open and we acted like we were cleaning or looking for something.

Luchia crossed her hands. "Really? You can just ask and I will answer."

"Who is he?" We said all together.

"Well.... my boyfriend. He wants to meet you and escort me in the weeding but I think it's too early for this." She smiled awkwardly and focused more on her brother.

"I want to meet him. I want to know who is My sister's knight ?" He told her. Even if Mihawk was like a father to her because of the age gap and he raised her up, she was telling everything to her brother.

Luchia's face flustered and Dova spoke. "Yeah, Luchia. Let him escort you in the weeding. It will be good to be with a date on the weeding."

"Come on, Luchia! After of whatever happened with ... you know who... they will burst of jealousy if the will see you with a handsome date. Is he handsome?" I asked excited.

"Girls, my brother is here. I can't say details. It's embarassing. But yes he is."

Dova and I squeaked happily and Mihawk rolled his eyes and we returned to continue our dinner.

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