36. Goodbye

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36. Goodbye

The grounds of Hogwarts were silent. The war was won. Lord Voldemort was dead. I felt sadness filling me when I thought about it. Dead.

When I walked to the great hall I was greeted by Fleur. She didn't say a word. She just hugged me.

Everyone sat together in groups by the tables. In one end of the hall the dead laid. I didn't look that way. I didn't wanna know how many lives this victory had cost.

Fleur walked away to Bill and his family. They're her family now too, I realised.
They asked me to join them but I told them that I were to take a look around.

And so did I. I walked through though the hall. At last I found what I were looking for. In a chamber separate from the great hall.
There he laid. And to my surprise he wasn't alone.

A older woman with deep red hair stood by the table where he laid. She held his long fingered hand and seemed to be talking to him.

I didn't want to disturb but I had to see him. I coughed.
She looked up. Even though she must be in her early seventies she looked alert and energetic.  She didn't look stooped as other in her age sometimes did. She had a straight back and looked worthy and proud. Her face was kind and beautiful.

"I'm sorry dear" she said with melodic voice. She had a distinct american accent. "I'll leave you with him."
She looked down at him with tears in her eyes and a weak smile.

And then she did something that surprised me.
She kissed him. Not hard. But gently. She just touched her lips to his and whispered something.

She smiled at me before walking away. Then I Remembered something.
"Wait ma'am!" she turned around looking wondering.
"Yes dear?"
"What's your name?"
She looked confused but answered.
"Amberly Cyrille, why do you ask dear?" Her eyes had a little twinkle in them as she looked at me. I saw... Recognition.
It must be her, Amberly. The one he had talked about... The girl he had loved once upon a time.

"Oh, nothing" I said with a smile.
"Alright, goodbye dear" She turned around and was about to walk away when I stopped her.
"You're the transfer student? Aren't you? Green? Amberly Green?"
She looked taken aback and her eyes looked a bit wet.
"That was once my name..." She whispered.
I walked up to her. "He never forgot about you... Never!" Then I gave her a tight hug. Her body was tense, surprised at first. But then she returned the hug.
"Thank you, dear." She whispered before walking away.

I just stood there looking at her back.

I walked and stood next to my father's dead body.
"So it's true? You did love" saying it made me smile. He had loved! He had! I felt tears streaming down. And I thought incapable of it. But she was a living prove.

"I'm sorry" I whispered. "I'm sorry for not giving you a chance. I'm sorry for your fate. I'm sorry that your life sucked" I took his cold hand in my warm.
"And I want to thank you, for giving me life and... and for loving me. I know you did, at least once. I hope you did it at least..."
"I just know... I just know that I loved you. And I want you to know it."

I took his hand to my lips giving it a light kiss.
Then I turned around and walked away, leaving him behind. It was hard. But I had to. I had to move on. I couldn't live in the past if I wanted to live a happy life. I had to move on. Not forget, but not dwell in it either.

Last real chapter😭

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Like father, Like daughter?Voldemort's Daughter Fanfic+Cedric Diggory Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now