3. Morsmordre

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3. Morsmordre

One hour later sounds seemed to come from the outside. Dad said something about those damned irish people.
I looked for mom but remembered that she and mrs Delacour went for a walk.
The sounds from outside grew louder and I started to wonder what the irish people actually did. I made to stand up to look outside to see what they were doing. Mr Delacour were faster and went outside to look.
I looked at Fleur with worry in my eyes. What is happening?  I heard to noise growing louder from outside. Fleur made a movement towards Gabrielle. She got the hint and sat down on Fleurs knee.

Mr Delacour ran in to the tent with a scared look on his face.
*We have to go! Now!*
Everyone stood up at once.
*What has happened?!* dad asked.
*Some idiots are burning up tent and are torturing people!* Mr Delacour said angrily. He looked at his two daughters with the worry of a father on his face. My dad gave me the same look. I hated that look on his face. Scared shitless, not for his sake but for mine.
Gabrielle stood up.
With that word dad and mr Delacour froze. Dad loved mom and seeing him realizing she was in danger made me heart break a thousand times more.
*Me and mr Nott will go and get them, you girls have to go to the portkey!* he looks at me *You’re the only one who's allowed to use magic, you have to protect you and the others*
He looks at Fleur. *Do not leave Gabrielle for a second* he tried to sound stern but everyone heard his worry.
Fleur hugged her sister. *Never*
*You have to go now* he said
He and dad gave us all a kiss on the forehead and then we stepped outside.

Caos. That’s best word can describe it as. People were screaming for friends and family and hexes were flying in the air.
*Take care of Gabrielle! I can ward of anyone who tries to attack us!*
Fleur nodded and we started run.
I saw crying kids trying to find their parents. I felt my heart fill with a bad conscience. If I could I would try to help them. But I can’t. I have Fleur and Gabrielle, I can’t let them down, I can’t abandon them. Not like I was as a child.
Suddenly Fleur screamed loudly. In front of us stands wizards in masks. Above them...Above them a woman float unconscious in the air. I was feeling nauseous, I tried to drag away Fleur and Gabrielle from the scene but behind us was more masked men. It seemed as though their focus was on the woman and not us luckliy.

*Try to walk between them* I whispered to Fleur. *I’m right behind you*
She nodded and took Gabrielles hand.
I followed them but saw in the corner of my eye one of them turning towards me. He took his wand. Not fast enough. Before his hand was in his pocket I had disarmed him.
*Run Fleur!*

The people i masks took their wands and pointed them at me. None of them seemed eager to hurt me. And for once I felt happy with my looks. Few people really seem to like seeing beauty destroyed.
One of them cast a hex, I guessed it was supposed to be a warning. I quickly blocked it and followed Fleur. They looked at us as we ran. I felt really aware of my short dress as I ran from them as fast as I could.

The mass of people had thinned out and we walked alone between the burnt tents.
Gabrielle was quiet and looked really frightened.
Me and Fleur exchanged vigilant looks. It’s too quiet.
A flash of green flew up in the air. We saw a green skull and something sticking out of it's mouth. The dark mark. His mark. Lord Voldemort's mark.
Fleur screamed when she saw it. I looked at it and for some reason beyond my explanation I felt drawn to it. I felt, well, at home, safe when I saw it, as though I'd seen it before. Disgusted with myself I shook my head. Then I was shook out of my thoughts and noticed a silhouette in the dark. A man was on his way towards us.
I shot a non verbal stunning spell at him.
He blocked it. But it seemed as though he heard something because one second later he ran away.
*Let’s go* I whispered to Fleur.
She nodded.

A couple of hours after the events we got interrogated by some folks from the british ministry of magic.
I sat in a tent waiting for someone to come. Fleur and Gabrielle had already been interrogated. Now it was my turn.
A tall man walked in and presented himself as Amos Diggory. He tried not to look too much at me. He gave me a quick admiring look before looking down at his parchment.
“And your name is?”

“Evangeline Clarion Nott”
He flinched when he heard my name. It wasn't unexpected. Nott was a quite old british house. My father was the last man in the line, so if I did not choose to keep the name the house of Nott would be gone.
“You and your friends was found at the place were the dark mark was cast. Can you tell me what you saw?”
I nodded.

“Me, Fleur and Gabrielle had walked for fifteen minutes when we heard a noise. It sounded as someone walked a bit from where we stood. So I took out my wand just in case"
“And then you cast the mark?” he asked eagerly.
I felt quite offended and looked at him. Did he really think that?!
“No, to be able to protect me and my friends if someone attacked” I said sharply.
He looked disappointed.
“Why did you have to protect them? Can they not do that by themselves?”
“Gabrielle is just nine and Fleur’s sixteen”
He sighed.
“Oh right, go on with the story”
Story? This was the truth!

“Then we heard someone scream something, I couldn't really hear what he was saying but after that we saw the mark"
He looked eager and waved at me with a hand to show that I could proceed.
“Then we saw a man. I got vigilant when I saw that he lifted his wand. I shot a body binding curse at him. He managed to block it and then you came and scared him away"
Amos looked disappointed.
“Your version fits with what the others said" he sighed. “Can I have your wand? I must check which spells it did last”
I give him my wand and he looks i through.
“Everything looks alright, you can go” For some reason he seemed disappointed.

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Like father, Like daughter?Voldemort's Daughter Fanfic+Cedric Diggory Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now