24. The letter

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24. The letter

Lord Voldemort’s POV:

I had found the girls apartment. It had been very easy getting in. Probably she did not thought that she likely were to be robbed.

Her home was light. Too light. She had windows everywhere. I hoped that she was not who I thought she was.
I just needed to be sure.

She was not at home, probably at work. I just needed to find information of her. See if I could find a clue.

I heard something behind me and looked around. A big black snake looked at me.
I felt shocked. She had a snake? Was she a parselmouth? I looked down at the snake.
^Who are you?^ it asked.
^It does not matter to you^ I answered.

The snake seemed a little shocked.
^You can speak my language too?^
^Too? Who can speak it other then me?^
^My friend^ It answered.
^And your friend is? Answer me!^
^Evangeline Clarion Nott^

I had stunned the snake and removed its memory. I walked into the girls work room were she had a desk. It seemed as though she spend a lot of time there.
I looked at her desk and saw a letter, it seemed as though she were to send it.
It was written in french. Well, it’s good that the dark lord does not only speak parseltongue and english.

Madame Baillon
I got really happy by your last letter, thank you for writing. And yes, I’m good. I work a lot these days. But to be honest, I really don’t care anymore. It’s still hard. You remember what I told you of my boyfriend, and the car accident. Even though it’s hard I believe it is getting better. Much of that is because of my work. I really don't have time to think much anymore. Which I think is good. My opinion with that is however not shared by my family or friends.
But I hope you can understand at least. You are as I have told you many times the first motherly figure I can remember. I am really happy that you took such a good care if me and loved me so. I always hear such awful histories from other people's time at orphanages. And I am really happy not to share these experiences.
Evangeline Clarion Nott

This girl seemed very… I could for once not find a word. She was very unlike my and Rosalie. That at least were true.
Then I Remembered that she said something about a orphanage. I looked at the letter again. Yes. She had lived in a orphanage. I looked at were the letter were addressed.

It was a orphanage in France. Could Rosalie have taken our daughter to her homeland after she thought I had died? Did she take our daughter to a muggle orphanage for safe keeping. Maybe, it was quite clever. I Remembered that even though Rosalie had not been a witch she had always been the cleverest and strongest. Besides him of course.

That was the reason why he had decided to make her the mother of his heir. Even  though she had not been a witch she had been extremely powerful. And he believed that some of her abilities would be given to his heir. But he never found out. His Daughter had been to young to test her abilities.
He decided to see the orphanage  were the girl had lived.

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Like father, Like daughter?Voldemort's Daughter Fanfic+Cedric Diggory Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now