26. New year's eve

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26. New year's eve


I had managed to survive the year of 1995. It had been hard. I still missed him. But I knew that he had wanted me to live and not live in the past. I Remembered Harry's words: he loved you more than anything and that he wanted you to live a happy life and not live in the past.

On new years eve I knocked on Fleurs door. Fleur opened. She looked shocked. But done her eyes filled with tears.
I had not seeked her up for so long. She always came to me nowadays.
*Come in sweety* she said giving me a hug *The others will be thrilled to meet you*

Fleur’s living room were filled with. Maybe 20 people had turned up.
Veronica turned around when Fleur called for her. Her eyes grew big when she saw me.
She ran to me giving me a bone crushing hug.
*I’ve missed you! I thought you weren't going to turn up*
I smiled weakly.
*Well now I’m here*

Veronica went dancing with some girls from school and Fleur went to see that everything were alright in the rest of the house.
I decided to sit down in Fleurs couch. I took a drink from one of the waiters Fleur had working here today.

The room was filled with music and life. The weird sisters latest album were played. People danced and mingled. A couple kissed in a corner. I felt a sting in my heart. I miss that… Don't think of him! I commanded myself.

Someone sat down next to me. I looked over at him. He had dark brown hair and  crystal blue eyes. He had a nice tan and it looked like as though he spended a lot of time outside.
Quite good looking to be honest. But nothing like him.
He noticed me looking at him. He smiled flirtatiously.
“Hey darling” he said with a australian accent.

“Hi" I said.
“You’re veela right?” he asked.
“Maybe" I said without looking at him. This guy seemed as though your typical f*ckboy.
“Not much of a talker?” he asked raising a eyebrow.
“I talk, to people I know" I answered. Yeez this guy was annoying.

“Okay… Then I guess I have to get to know you" he said with a wink sitting closer to me.
“There will be no getting to know each other” I said standing up and leaving him alone.

I tried to enjoy the party. But it was quite hard. Especially when Fleur introduced me to her new boyfriend, Bill Weasley.

Later in the evening I sat in the couch again. This time alone. In 20 minutes it was midnight. A guy sat down to me.
“You are the triwizard girl right?” he asked.
I look at him suspiciously.
“You were really good for being a woman"
Wait! Hold on. What did he say?
“Excuse me?” I asked disbelieving.
“You’re smart for being a woman, and you have looks. I understand why Cedric liked you" he said smiling.

I felt pain filling me. I hadn’t heard his name in so long.
“Must have been hard seeing him die…” he said. “Is it really so that the dark lord killed him?”

“Enough!” I said tears filling my eyes. Without looking at him a ran out of the room. I walked to Fleurs balcony. I sat down on the bench. I felt the tears coming. For once I didn’t even try to stop them. I just let them fall.
I cried quietly but I didn’t realise I had Company before I felt someone sitting down next to me.

“How are you?” the guy with the crystal blue eyes looked at me with a converse look in his face.
“Yeah" I said not sounding convincing.
He sighed.
“Okay… I’m not so good" I said honestly while sobbing.

He seemed to hesitate. But then he laid his arm around me. I felt my sobs growing
“It’s okay” he whispered.
“No it’s not" I said while tears were raining down my cheeks.
He patted my back. He let me cry and just said comforting words.

At last it felt better. My tears had stopped and I just sat there his arm around me.
“Are you feeling better?” he asked calmly.
“Yes, thank you"
“Sometimes you need to cry out… It makes you feel better" he looked at me with warmth. He did not seem as the same person I had met earlier this evening.
“I haven’t dared to cry out until now" I admitted.
“I actually don’t know, maybe I felt…”
He did not push me, he just waited for me to continue.
“Maybe I felt that crying out was to admit that he was truly gone"
He seemed to think about that statement.

“But the one you’re talking about is not gone” he said matter of factly.
“What do you mean?”
“He's still in there” he pointed at my heart.

After a while he had to go down to his friends.
Before he went down I Remembered something.
“You didn’t tell me your name"
He smiled.
“Milo, Milo Wilson, and you darling?”
The name darling didn’t offend me anymore. It felt good hearing him saying it.
“Evangeline Clarion Nott”

When he had went down Veronica found me.
“Come now Evangeline! The new years starts in" she looked at her watch. “1 minute!”
She appareted me down to Fleurs garden were everyone stood with champagne.

I stood next to Fleur and Veronica.
I saw Milo standing with his friends.
“8… 7….”
Our eyes met. I looked away quickly.
“6…. 5…. 4…”
I Remembered what Harry said Cedric said: “he loved you more than anything and that he wanted you to live a happy life and not live in the past"
“3… 2….”
Soon there was a new year. I had to look forward. I couldn’t live in the past. I had to live a happy life as Cedric had wanted me too.

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