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Madame Baillon sat in her office a dark night i October. Outside it rained and thundered. She looked out through window and sighed. The trip to the eiffel tower the children were promised would probably have to be cancelled. She made a quick note to talk to Madame Blanc who was the one in charge of the trip.

A especially loud bang was heard and she looked at the door to the office. She stood up and walked through the corridore to see if any of the children had woken up by the bang.
Luckily it seemed as though no one had woken up.
Even though no one was awake she took a little walk around the orphanage and stopped at the front door.
She wondered what had made her go there when she heard a sneeze from outside. She thought she knew what had happened. Madame Baillon was used to children being left outside her door and pulled on a motherly smile.

Outside sat a girl on around 4 years. She had silver blonde hair och large dark brown eyes. The girl looked like a little angel. She was the most beautiful girl madame Baillon hade ever seen.
*Hello dear*
The girl looked up with big scared eyes.
*Don’t you speak french?* madame Baillon’s voice was kind but a bit concerned.
*I speak french* the girl said in a melodic light voice.
*What’s your name dear?*
*Do you know were mommy or daddy is Evangeline?*
She shook her head and tears welled up in her eyes.
*I don’t remember them* she sobbed.
Madam Baillon was filled with pity. The poor beautiful girl had probably hit her head.
*Do you want to come in Evangeline?*
The girl looked quite suspicious.
*We will take care of you Evangeline, I promise* madame Baillon smiled. *We will never let anything hurt you*

Evangeline spent 2 years at the orphanage with madame Baillon. She never told anyone about her parents whom she had completely forgotten.
She was a gifted and kind young girl who never caused any problem at all. It seemed as though everything around her just fit and nothing went wrong. Everything was easy for her. Almost like magic.

Evangeline was loved by everyone at the orphanage and the day she was adopted was a day when many from personal grieved.
Despite the sorrow madame Baillon had experienced she was still happy for the girl’s sake.
She was adopted by mr and mrs Nott. Mrs Nott was french and had long red shining hair and had proudly stated that her girl name had been Clarion. Mr Nott had dark hair and seemed to be english. They were both very young and very handsome. Especially the woman was utterly beautiful.
Both of them were charming and very kind. And The way they looked at Evangeline proved that they loved her from first sight.
But that was not the only thing. It seemed as though they had a deeper understanding for her. And it really wasn't that weird. Evangeline was at 6 years completely unaware that she was a witch. A really powerful witch too. Mr and mrs Nott both was also parts of the wizard world.

Both of them were the only now living members of powerful families. The french house Clarion and the English house Nott. The couple had for years tried to produce a heir. But had been unsuccessful. So they decided to adopt a abandoned wizard child. After months of seaking they found Evangeline. The couple adopted her and took her to their manor were they taught Evangeline about all areas of magic.
They Loved her over all and she loved them.

Sooo.... What do you think???

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Like father, Like daughter?Voldemort's Daughter Fanfic+Cedric Diggory Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now