22. Not a victim

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22. Not a victim

August 12, 1995

*Breakfast is ready now ms Evangeline* Lizzie said.
*I'm coming in 5!*
I looked around in my light bedroom. I liked i here. I liked everything in my new apartment in London. I have lived here for three months I realized.
Almost directly after the tournament I decided to move. I took Victra, my owl Compass, my cat Zuri and Lizzie with me.
It felt easier to handle my grief alone. Here no one looked at me as though I was a wounded animal.

Both Lizzie and Victra treated me as always.
It felt good not to be a victim in their eyes. Because I was not a victim, even though everyone seemed to think so.

At 9 o'clock I had to apparete work. It actually took a very short time until I had gotten a job. I guess it helps that you father was rich and had a lot of contacts.

I had gotten a job at the department of magical law enforcement as personal assistant to the head of the departement, Amelia Bones.

When I later arrived at the ministry I felt calm. Here there was always much to do. Which meant that I didn't have time to think of sad things. At home I had nothing to do. Lizzie did all the cleaning and cooking. At home I was alone with my thoughts and memories.

But a couple of weeks ago I Discovered something that made everything easier. I could take home work. Then I could be at home without thinking of the happenings in june.

I sat down at my desk. My desk was in the room before madame Bones office. I looked at the schedule for today.
I gasped in shook. Harry Potter's hearing were supposed to take place in three hours. I felt pain filling me.

Thinking of Harry made me think of him... i clutched my hands hard. I felt tears filling my eyes. Take it easy Evangeline... take it easy. Treat him as you would treat anyone else.
"Good morning Evangeline!" Amelia said when she walked in. She looked happy as always.
"Good morning Amelia" I said with a professional smile.

"Ready for today?" she asked.
"Of course"
"Good good" she said walking into her office.

2 hours later

I walked quickly out of my office. I had to go back to get a few papers Amelia had forgotten. The hearing where to start in 5 minutes. I walked quickly looking at the papers in my hand.

Dumbledore's POV:

I hummed at the Hogwarts song. It's a very good tune... I thought dreamily.
Someone blonde had walked into me. The woman let out a small scream and fell to the ground.

I helped her up and now I saw who she was.
She looked thinner then he had remembered. Her eyes looked tired and she hadn't that light around her as she used to. She didn't look sad but she didn't show any other emotion. Cedric Diggory death must have hit her hard.

I smiled kindly at her.
"Hello Evangeline"
"Oh! Good morning professor Dumbledore" she said in a shooked voice. "May I ask what have made you go here?"
"You may" I said with a smile.
She didn't smile, she just looked at me politely.
"I'm here for Harry Potter's hearing"
She raised an eyebrow.
"Then I guess you're going to be late" she said.

"What do you mean?"
She looked at her watch with disinterest.
"The hearing started 4 minutes ago, you do know that they changed the time and location?"
I felt very irritated.
"No I did not"
"Well, you can go with me. I'm on my way there myself" she looked at the papers in her hands "Amelia forgot these papers"

Evangeline's POV:

I had walked with professor Dumbledore to the room were the hearing was held. I gave Amelia her papers and sat down in a corner taking notes for her.

No ones POV:

Evangeline worked hard all week. She took home a lot of work and even started to work overtime. It should have been exhausting for anyone else. But Evangeline did not care. She did her work, and did it excellent to.

But she did not do it because she enjoyed it. She did it because the alternative was so much worse. Being alone with her thoughts were unbearable.

BTW, I have made a quick drawing of Evangeline♡ Check it out if you want to. I have a instagram account if you want to check it out: hsvensson.drawings

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