32. Memories

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32. Memories

We was alone in the room. They had left my wand on a table. His back was still turned to me. With slow steps I walked to the table. I took my wand and pointed it at him.
“I recommend you to put down your wand, it will be to no use"
I put it down. Put still held it hard.

“I assume you know who you are" he said coldly.
I decided to play dumb still.
“Well, sometimes. I mean you ask a lot of questions in life, who am I? Where am I? How am I? Why am I?”
“Don’t play dumb!” he said sounding very irritated.

I decided that I should stop.
“Yes, I know who I am and it disgusts me when I think about it"
He turned around slowly.
“It disgusts you? does it?”
“More than you can imagine"
He laughed a cold laugh. I felt chills. This man commanded Cedric's death.
“So being my heir disgust you?”
“Hmmm… let me think, being related to the most evil wizard in history… Yes that disgust me”

He actually looked a little sad for a second. But the moment past so fast that I may have imagined it.
“How could you turn out like this?”
I raised an eyebrow.
“And that is suppose to mean exactly?”

“You are my heir! You are not supposed to be!” he made a angry gesture at me.
I felt offended.
“Well, if you’re not happy with me I can as well go"
I turned around.
“Stay where you are” he commanded.

“Or else?!” I asked angrily.
“Don’t test my patience" he said coldly.
“Or what?! You’re going to kill me?!”
“Don’t” he said in a dangerously cold way.
But I didn’t want to stop. I wanted him to be angry. I wanted him to explode, I wanted him to feel anything. Anything to prove that he still is human.
“Are you going to kill me as you killed the Potters?! As you’re planning on killing Harry Potter?! As you commanded the killing of my boyfriend?!”

Voldemort's POV:

So that's why she acts like that. The girl was in “love". I’m doubting this girl more and more for every second.
“I’m not going to kill you" I said.
“Ha! Well that's a first!” she said.

Then I understood what she were doing. She wanted me angry, she wanted me to explode. I decided to do the opposite.
“But I suppose that you’re afraid it will backfire, I mean…. You failed to kill a little baby! Oh! Sorry. It’s maybe a little hard to admit that a baby managed to escape you”

“Enough" I said coldly. “You don't know anything girl"
She just laughed.
“And you do?”
She laughed some more but then I pointed my wand at her. And gave her back her memory.

Evangeline’s POV:

She sat alone in a quiet dark room. Mommy had told her to wait in here. And of course she had obeyed. She was only three, but still very obedient and didn’t cause any trouble.

Then the door opened. Her mom walked in with a serious face. She picked her up.
“Where are we going mommy?”
“We’re going to meet someone"
“Your father"
“My father?”
“Yes Evey, but you are only aloud to speak to him when spoken to, do you understand?”

They walked into another room. In there stood a tall snake like man in black robes.
The man and her mom talked a little bit. She didn’t listen, she was too fascinated by the man.

Then her mom set her down.
“Show your father what you can do"
She looked up at her mother. Her mother nodded and motioned her to the man. She walked shyly up to him. She didn’t meet his gaze.

“Don’t be afraid" her father told her in a high cold voice. She looked up and met his eyes. They were red.
“Show me what you can do"

She made motions with her hands and created a big ball of fire. Then with a smile she through it away making it fly several meters before hitting the wall. When the floor took fire she created water and through it on the fire.

Her father smiled at her. “Good, but I think we can make it even better"
She felt proud and walked with her to practice.

~~~Another memory~~~

She sat in a dark room with her mom. The lamp flickered.
“Where’s daddy?”
Her mol looked tense.
“He’s coming soon" Then he mother lifted her up and gave her a tight hug.

She giggled.
“Your hugging me so tight"
Her mom didn’t answer just held her tight as though she appreciated her daughters presence more than usual.

A couple of hours later.

She walked past her moms bedroom and saw her crying on the bed. She walked in.
“Why are you sad mommy?”

Her mom looked up. She still looked beautiful but broken in a way.
“We’re going to go on a little trip" she sobbed.
“It’s complicated, you aren't safe here anymore”

The next day they stood outside a big building. It rained and thundered.
“It’s cold mommy! I want to go inside!”
“You are going to go inside" her mommy said tears streaming down her face.
“Why are you crying mommy?”
“I just" more tears “I just need a hug"

She gave her a tight hug that lasted several minutes. It seemed as though her mom was unwilling to let go. As though she feared she was never going to see her again.
“I love you Evey, I will always love you. You will always be loved, always”
And then she used the only spell the dark lord had been able to teach her. The spell they knew could save their child.

End of flashback

I remembered it all. The love I had felt the love I had been given. I looked up at this man who I as a innocent child had adored and idolized.

“Will you join me Evangeline?” he asked.
I couldn’t answer. The only thing I felt was tears streaming down my cheeks. Could I join this man who I as child had loved. The man who actually had cared for me. At least once.
Could I forget everything and join him. I thought of my memories of him. How he sometimes had been…. Nice and caring.

“Are going to join me?” he repeated.
“No" I said.
He looked shocked.
“I’m not going to join your death eaters but I will stay, not as a death eater. But as your daughter”

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Like father, Like daughter?Voldemort's Daughter Fanfic+Cedric Diggory Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now