17. The second task

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17. The second task

I woke up at 7 o’clock. It was a bit early but I wanted to be ready in time.
I looked out over the room. Veronica snored peacefully and. Where’s Fleur?!

I went to look for her in the bathroom. Not there. Then I understood. We will take something you love… Not something, someone.

I felt at once calmer. Nothing bad had happened to her. Professor Dumbledore would never risk anyone's safety.

Later that day.

The second task had just started. I gave Cedric I blow kiss and dived into the water.
I made all the necessary spells and started to swim. One hour… I swam as fast as I could. I had to fight of a few grindylows after awhile but that was my only obstacle. Luckily for me memory was good and maye 20 minutes later I had found the place.

I saw no sign of any of the others and felt quite happy with myself. I saw Fleur next to Cho Chang, Hermione Granger and one of Cedric’s best friends. The mere men were looking at me suspiciously. They were probably wondering how I had got there so fast.

Even though it had been a little bit hard to find the bubble head charm a I was still confused. Wasn’t this almost too easy? I was all tense just waiting for something to happen. Nothing did. The mere men just look at me as I took my wand to remove the rope binding Fleur.

It felt a little bit awkward when they looked at me but I tried to not care. When I had unbound Fleur I looked at my watch. 15 minutes left. I sighed with relief. I would make it in time.

I began my journey up. Nothing serious happened. A couple of more grindologs tried to drag me down but was unsuccessful.

I crushed the surface a second after Fleur. She gasped for air.
*You did it!* she screamed happily.
Applause was heard from the stands.
We swam to the place were the judges. I let Fleur walk up before me.

Madame Maxime looked happily at me.
“You’re first Evangeline! And you’re even 10 minutes early!”
She looked very happy and helped me up.
I smiled weakly.

The other judges minus Karkaroff congratulated me.
They wondered  how I had found the place so fast. But no one was bitter (except Karkaroff)

Madame Maxime helped me and Fleur to the school’s healer madame Pomfrey.
She dried us and gave us blankets and cups of tea.

Veronica had joined us and sat with us as we were waiting at the others.

First up was Cedric. I bursted into applause when he broke the surface.
As soon as he was on land I ran and gave him a kiss. He was wet but I didn’t mind.
“It seems as though you beat me" he said smilingly.
“Seems so" I smiled.

Second up was Krum and last Harry Potter.

When it was time for the points I held Cedrics hand hard.
I got full points and Cedric got almost full points. Apparently Harry were supposed to have been up before Cedric but didn’t want to leave anyone. He had token the song seriously I realised. Poor thing. But I was quite impressed of gim in a way.

So was the judges it seemed and they had awarded him more points then Krum.

This made Cedric and Harry tied in second plants with exactly the same amount of points. Krum was last. And I was first.
I had been shocked at first but it seemed as though no one else had been.

The judges had told us that the next task was on june 24. That was four months from now.
Before the first task I had been nervous. Not now. I had done it before and I did not care about winning. I had Cedric no matter what. Even if I won or lost he would be with me.
But after the tournament? What would happen? I was on my last year now, but Cedric had still one year left at school.

Would we be able to remain in contact? I hoped so. But… I didn't want to think of what would happen if we did not.
Cedric was the best thing that had ever happen to me and I could not anymore imagine a life without him. I had found what I thought was a myth, true love. And now when I had it I was not letting it go that easily...

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Like father, Like daughter?Voldemort's Daughter Fanfic+Cedric Diggory Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now