2. Bestfriends

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2. Bestfriends

*Evangeline!* My best friends voice cut through the assembly. I turn around and meet her in a tight hug.
Her hug is tight and I laugh.
*I can't breath*
She lets go and laughs.
*I've missed you* she says excitedly.
*It wasn't such a long time since we last met* I tease.
*Two months!*
*Okay okay! It was quite some time.* I smile and look at her to see if she have changed at all. She's exactly as beautiful as I remember. Hair the same shade as mine and eyes blue as sapphires. Fleur was the most beautiful person I knew, she said the same thing about me but I never listened to that. I knew I was pretty but admiring the beauty of yourself is hard. I rather praised Fleur than myself.

*How long have you been here?* she asks.
*We arrived an hour ago* I answered and looked out over the assembly . Everyone bumped into one another and everywhere I looked I saw green and white and red and black. People were looking at me and Fleur and I hated it. When Fleurs cousins arrived maybe they'd stop... Maybe? Veelas could be distracting but eyes always landed on me after a while.
Fleur wrinkle her nose when three barebrested boys ran past us. All three had red and black painted chests with the worlds "Go Krum" written on them.

*So many englishmen* she muttered.
*We are in England, Fleur* I said with a amused laugh.
*I know!* her voice is a bit irritated. *But do they have to run around as if they owned the place?*
I laughed at her indignant face and tapped her shoulder. Suddenly I heard whispers behind us and I turned around. Behind us stood two boys with red hair and stared at me and Fleur. They were very alike so I suspected that they were twins.
Fleur also saw them and pulled her lips into a smirk.
She took my hand and pulled me to her tent were I met her family.

A couple of days later after the match

Me, dad and fleur's family minus her mom was after the match in their colossal tent celebrating Ireland's win. Well all except dad. He was supporting Bulgaria and had done so all his life. He looked irritated at our flags.
I laughed and pulled a little in my short dress before going to him. He really hated those short dresses. I liked them but not the looks people gave me when I wore them.
"Are you jealous?" I asked in english. Dad was english and really preferred speaking english with me.
He looked grumpy when he looked up at me.
"You should be supporting the same team as your old father"
"Or you could start follow the footstep of the rest of the family and support Ireland." I teased and stuck out my tongue.
"I'm disappointed in you Evey"
I laughed at his indignant face and went to sit next to Fleur.

I pulled forward my elegant wand made by laurel wood and Phoenix feather and made a slow movement. Some strings of Fleurs hair started to move and poked her in the face.
She looked jealousy at my wand. I had celebrated my 17 birthday two days earlier(23 of August)
*Jealous?*I laughed.
*Coffee ms Evangeline?*
I looked down and saw one of our family's many houselefs.
*No thanks, Lizzie*
*You? Miss Fleur?*
Fleur shock her head and looked at Lizzie as she walked away.

*She's so cute* Fleur cooed.
*And fashionable* I said.
*How do you mean?*
*Lizzie is the one who every morning chose my outfits* I smiled *She was the one that chose this one*

I spinned around in my short black dress with long sleeves and showed Fleur my accessories. Dark Blue pumps, sapphire earrings and necklace.
She looked quite impressed.
*Is it Lizzie that does your hair?*
I nodded. My hair was made up in hairstyle that normally was supposed to be a ball hairstyle. But Lizzie had made it work as a hairstyle you can have anytime.

Chapter 2... What do you think about the story so far? It's a bit slow i know, but more will come.

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Like father, Like daughter?Voldemort's Daughter Fanfic+Cedric Diggory Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now