12. The interview

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12. The interview

A little girl had walked into one of my classes a couple of days later telling me that I needed to attend something.
I walked behind her as she guided me through the castle to a little room.
She left me outside the door and smiled shyly before running of. I walked into the room, Cedric and Krum sat talking in one end of the room and in the other I saw a woman and a cameraman.
Yeez! I really hated cameras! Whatever, chin up, smile on.

A wandmaker had explained that we needed to have our wands looked at before the first task.
“Well…” he looked at me. “Ladies first"
I walked to him and gave him my wand.
He looked a bit surprised.
“Phoenix feather isn’t?”
I nodded. “Yes sir it is"
“That's a very unusual core… and laurel wood 12 ¼ inches… a very powerful wand indeed. But very strict, I guess you’re not sloppy or it would have left you a long time ago. Laurel wands are indeed capable of great magic if treated right. I guess you have treated it right”
He smiled and made a movement with it. A red rose appeared from it and he gave it to me.

After the other wands had been examined it was time for photos and interviews.
We all sat around madame Maxime who sat on chair. The photographer seemed to want me to be in front, but not the woman, Rita Skeeter.
She was a very annoying thing and I had to use all my strength not to yell at her. But she was a reporter. I needed her on my side, I needed her to like me or this would not end well.

Later I sat in front of Rita in a little broom closet. I reminded myself to make her like me
“Hello Evangeline” she said warmly.
“Hello Rita!” I made ready to say it. “Can I just say that it is such an honour to meet you!” Boom! I saw her face when I said it. She’s sold.
“Oh dear" she said with a smile “I didn’t know you read the daily prophet in France!”
“Most people don’t but my dad is english so he always have a copy, I always read it when he’s done with it sometimes before. Your articles are always the best! I was very disappointed in june when you hadn’t written anything. But I understand that you have a lot to do" Lies, all lies. Or I mean, I did read the daily prophet. But Rita's parts sucked. Just gossip all of it.
She swelled with pride.

The interview was actually okay. Rita’s questions were alright. All except one.
“So Evangeline dear, have someone caught your eye?”
And even though it was stupid as f*ck I blushed.
“Oh, you have, dear? Who is he?” she smiled. But I saw her quick-quotes quill waiting for my answer.
Play it smart Evangeline, play it smart.
“It’s still quite fresh actually" I smiled a fake smile at her.
She sighed.
“Young love, but I guess you won’t tell me his name"
Play it smart, play it smart...
“Not yet"
“Not yet?” she looked excited.
“If it goes my way I will be able to tell everyone who he is" I said with a big smile.
“So you plan on getting him?” she looked happy.
“I do, and I really do hope that he feels the same as I"
“Well, Me and my readers at least wish you the best of luck” she smiled warmly and gave me a kiss on each cheek and hugged me.

I was actually happy about the interview. I walked out from the room but was stopped by Cedric.
“Are you going for lunch now?”
“We can sit together if you want to"
I felt happiness fill me. This day is so far going very well…

We sat at his table in the great hall. His friends and my friends were still having lessons so we sat alone.
“Why did you enter?” I asked curiously.
He seemed to really think through the question before answering.
“I think it was a bit because of my dad, and maybe…” he dozed of.
“I wanted not to do anything for my house or my family. I mean when I play quidditch it does not gain me just my house. I want to do something for me, because I want it not because someone else want it" he looked thoughtful.
“What about you?”

I thought hard before answering.
“I think I want to prove that I could do more than what people thought, that I was more than a pretty face” he nodded. “Is this weird?” I asked.

“What’s weird?”
“I mean. We’re supposed to be competing against each other" at first he did not answer.
“No, it’s not weird. I mean I would been just as drawn to you even if we weren’t competing" he blushed after he said the last bit. He actually blushed!

I tried to hide a smile. Big fail.
“So you’re drawn to me, Cedric?” I asked teasingly.
“I, I mean" he became silent but then he looked determined. “Yes I am"

The atmosphere became more serious. He were about to say something when.
“Hi Ced!”
“How ya doing Ced?”
All of his friends had marched up to us with big smiles.
“Well good luck… Ced?” I smiled and walked out the great hall feeling his eyes on me.

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