33. My sister

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33. My sister

I had gotten introduced to his followers. Not all of them but some. It felt... weird. All my life I had been told to stay away from the dark arts and the people using them. And now? I'm in the midst of them.

I lived in the Malfoy manor. The day after I had gotten introduced to someone I didn't even know existed. My sister. Delphini.

My father needed a heir and he did not know if he could count on me. And well... he couldn't. I refused. I can be his daughter but not his heir. Never.

Even though he had gotten quite angry he accepted. I'm not his follower, heir or enemy. I'm his daughter and that's enough for me.

Plus, not being his heir help one thing. Bellatrix won't kill me because she thinks I steal her daughter's place. That's a big plus.

I held my little sister. She was so small and fragile. Only a few weeks but she had hair. It was silverly. Like my own.

I looked down at her little face. I had known her for a few days and still my love for her was so great. How can you love someone so much.
I hummed silently to her. She smiled up at me.
I felt tears filling my eyes.

During the time I had been here I hadn't gotten much contact with anyone. No one besides her at last. My father was not here much and when he was... I don't know. He seemed of. Almost worried. But still, he always tried to find time to be with me. Usually he taught my new stuff. It was interesting. Even though his knowledge mostly circulated around the dark arts.

Delphi sobbed.
*Don't cry sweety* I said and rocked her a little. *You're safe, but I think I should take you to your mother so you can eat something*

I walked into the living room were I knew Bellatrix were. And got a little shook. My father stood there talking to her. I didn't expect him here. They looked up. Bellatrixs gaze immediately found Delphi.

She was a really protective towards Delphi. In her opinion Delphi was the greatest treasure apart from my father.

"What is it? Is she hurt?" she looked worried.
"No, she needs food"
"Oh" she looked at father.

"You're dismissed Bellatrix, I would like to talk to Evangeline"

We walked in the park outside the manor.
"What are you going to learn me today?" I asked curiously.
"Nothing" he said not looking at me.

"Well, what are you going to say then?"
He didn't answer immediately.
"I need you to know your history"

"My history?" I asked "I know my history"
He sighed.
"Maybe not your history, your family's. My history"

He told me everything. Everything he knew everything he suspected. I didn't interrupt once. He told me about when he grew up. He told me about Hogwarts. He told about her, the only one he had truly loved by all his soul.
Btw, I'm thinking of doing a story about her after my RR fanfiction. Would you like that?
Then he told me about the darker aspects of his life. Some of it almost made me want to throw up. How could anyone do such things?

Then he told me about mother. He told me about her loyalty. About her courage and power. How much she looked like me.

Then he talked about me. How he at first did not care about me and how that come to change. He had loved. That knowledge warmed my heart. He actually was capable of love. And once he had felt it for me.

When he was done he looked at me. As though he waited for me to say something.
I couldn't come up with anything. His story was heartbreaking and kinde twisted. What do you say when someone tells you their life's story. But I felt hope too. This meant that he wasn't a all evil person. He had love in him. He could love, he had loved.
I could change him.

Voldemort's POV:

She didn't know what to say. I saw it in her eyes. How stupid of me to trust all my soul into this girl. She had been a good listener. Too good. I shouldn't have entrusted this much information on her. But having someone listening had felt good and I felt lighter. Almost calm. But she could not know this. It me weak.
"I'm sorry"

She looked shocked when I said it.
"For what?"

Oh and Btw, I have maybe 5 more chapters left on this story♡♡

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Like father, Like daughter?Voldemort's Daughter Fanfic+Cedric Diggory Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now