35. The battle of Hogwarts

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35. The battle of Hogwarts

Voldemort’s POV:

I saw her fear and felt worry filling me. She saw. She saw what I did. Will she ever talk to me again. I stopped the spell and dismissed the malfoys and Bellatrix.

“How could you?!” she asked with tears streaming down her face.
“They let Harry Potter escape”
She looked shocked for a moment.
“It does not matter! I decided to give you a chance! To see if you were worth fighting for! I tried to look past the fact that you were the one who made Wormtail kill the love of my life! I tried to forget who you are! What you are!”

Tears were streaming down her beautiful face.
“Evangeline” I whispered.
“No! Don’t talk to me! I have tried so hard to understand you! What have you given me in return?!”
“A family" I answered.

This didn't seem to matter for her.
“If it wasn't for you I would still have a real family! It's your own fault that you never saw me grow up! It's your own fault that a 1 year old boy defeated you! If it wasn’t for your sick urge to kill everything, maybe I would be able to feel anything for you!”

I felt a hollowness filling me. She looked as shocked as I felt.
“I gotta go" she whispered. “Don’t ever contact me again"

Evangeline’s POV:

I knocked on the big door. It opened.
*Ms Evangeline?* the house elf said.
*Hi Debby, I need mom and dad*

After going through hard and challenging stuff the best way to feel better is being with family. When I saw my parents expressions of concern I immediately started to cry.

“Come dear" mom said giving me a hug.
“I’ve been so stupid" I whispered.
They didn't ask why. Dad just joined my and moms hug.

“No, you haven't” dad  whispered “You're so smart, beautiful, brave and kind"
“No I’m not" I sobbed.
They hugged my tighter. They did not know what I meant. They just knew that I needed them and as the wonderful parents they are they gave me what I needed. Comfort and the knowledge that I’m loved.

On mom's order I had went for a shopping trip to the nearby mall. It was a muggle mall but she thought I would like to come out a bit. And see that there were still people out there living their lives.

I had lived with mom and dad a couple of weeks. They were the only ones who knew that I weren’t on the run anymore.

And they had promised not to say it to anyone else.

The mall was light and full of people. No one seemed aware of the ongoing war. No one was concerned that their lives could depend on where ever a boy died or lived.

A group of girls in my age walked past me. All of them had much makeup and colourful clothes. They held shopping bags and laughed loudly. Talking about boys I assumed.

I felt jealous. Why can’t I be as unaware? Being a witch was great, but these things. I just wanted to be “normal". I wanted to be like those girls. I wanted to be happy again.

One of the girls ran up to a tall guy with dark hair. He turned around and met her in a embrace. A embrace that quickly turned to a kiss.

As always I felt a sting in my heart. I missed that. And without thinking clearly I apareted.

I stood in the cemetery in front of his grave. It was a big white stone with golden text.

Cedric Diggory
☆ 1977
+ 1995
Here lies a man that fought for what he thought was right. Here lies a loving, kind, handsome man ripped from this world too soon. Here lies Cedric Diggory the noblest of men.
Always loved, never forgotten, forever missed

I sat down next to the stone.
“I know you didn’t want me live in the past… but I need you” tears started to stream down my cheeks. “And this… This is the only way I can come close to you"

I touched the stone. It was cold. Like he had been that night. Don’t think about it.


Me and Cedric danced some more after sinner. Then he dragged me away to a bench near the lake.
“You’re so beautiful” he said looking at me. “And kind, and smart and amazing”
I looked down and blushed.
He lifted my head by the chin. I looked into his unbelievably beautiful eyes.
“Please don't be embarrassed"

I sighed.
“I’m not, I think… It's just that I’m not used to this"
“To what?” he asked in a whisper.
“To someone actually liking me for me and not another reason" I once again looked to his amazing grey eyes.
“I think like is an understatement” he whispered.

“Then what's the right word...?” my voice was quiet and it almost did not sound like my voice.
He didn't answer, he just smiled and leaned forwards and kissed me.

End of flashback

I felt a smile forming on my lips. That night had been magical. Our first kiss.

When arriving home mom and dad looked tense.
“What’s the problem?” I asked curiously.
“Something is happening” mom swallowed.
“There will be a battle"
“At Hogwarts"

A school. I felt fear filling me. There was a battle at a school. The students!

15 minutes later I arrived at the school. Not to fight. To take the students to safety.
I had talked to professor Mcgonagall. She had given me the task to watch when all the underahe students left the school.

I were suppose to guard them and see that none of them decides to be a hero and join the battle.

It was a surprisingly hard task. Almost everyone wanted to stay.
“No! You’re not going to stay if you’re not over 17!”
“But!” a blonde gryffindor boy tried.
He muttered something and walked away joining his little brother.

30 minutes later all underage students were evacuated. The battle had started. At least I thought so. I was at the Hog's head and could just hear the sounds from the castle.

The barman looked quite irritated with me as I stood in the frame of the picture.
“Will you join the battle or not? I have to close the portrait.

Should I? If I did… What should I do if I met him? What would he do?
“No" I then said “I’m not going to join the battle”

Later that night

I layed in my bed tears streaming down my face. I felt like a coward. But what choice did I have? Fighting a battle against people I had spent months with. Fighting against my own flesh and blood? No, I couldn’t do that. Never.

In the middle of the night I woke up. Something felt weird. And then everything became clear.

He had loved once. A girl from school, Amberly. He had for some reason loved her even though he was supposed to be unable to love. He had been conceived during the influence of a love potion...

He had cared for me. He had guarded me and protected me. And maybe, maybe loved even me. He had missed me during the time he spent in Albania. Missed, me. His Daughter.

He was evil, but not only. There had been a reason it wasn’t his fault. He had been shaped that way by life.

Why did I remember this? Then I Remember another thing.

“I’m sorry"
What did he mean? Sorry for what?
“For what?”
He didn't answer. He took his wand and pointed it to me. Is he going to kill me? No! He can't be. What is happening.

I know I were supposed to take a pause, but I just wanted to be done with this story😂

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Like father, Like daughter?Voldemort's Daughter Fanfic+Cedric Diggory Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now