9. The champion

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9. The champion

The tension and excitement in the great hall wad almost unbaring. I held Fleur's and Veronica's hands hard. Dumbledore stood by the goblet waiting for the decision to be made.
A flamed raised and a little note flew up in the air.
Dumbledore catched it.
"The champion from Durmstrang is!" he made a short pause. "Viktor Krum!"
Applause were heard and someone catcalled. He walked past the teacher table. Igor Karkaroff stood up.
"Bravo Viktor!" he applauded loudly. "I knew you had it in you!"
When Viktor Krum had walked into the room beside the great hall the flames raised again. Dumbledore catched another note.
"And the champion from Beauxbatons champion is" another pause. "Evangeline Clarion Nott!"
What? Did he really? I felt overwhelmed with hapiness and maybe a little little fear. Veronica rolled her eyes put clapped as loudly as Fleur.
"What did I tell you?"

Cedric's POV:

She stood up to loud applause and walked with long elegant steps to shake Dumbledore's hand. All eyes were on her and some people just gaped. She was incredibly beautiful, she looked like a light in the middle of a sea of black capes.  She looked conffident but a little nervous. Her smile however was on her lips all the time.
I felt angry when I saw how some boys looked at her like she was a thing. Like she was a toy made for their pleasure. She was so much more than a pretty outside, she must be, I think. I did not know her well but I knew I wasn't wrong.

Dumbledore's POV:

Ms Clarion Nott walked with long steps to shake my hand. I met her eyes and froze. Those eyes! They look exactly like... No it can not be! Or?
I looked down at her and could almost see the boy I had met such a long time ago. But this is not him! This is not Tom Riddle! This is Evangeline Clarion Nott, not Lord Voldemort!

Evangeline's POV:

When I was inside the room I felt myself relax. It was filled with paintings of witches and wizards. In the middle of the room was a big fireplace. Viktor stood before it. He looked into the fire and seemed to be thinking intensely.
I walked and stood next to him. He looked up, first a little surprised.
I held out my hand.
"Evangeline Clarion Nott"
"Viktor Krum"
I reminded myself not to laugh. It's not his fault that his a famous quidditch player that everyone knew the name of.
A noise was heard from behind us.
Cedric walked into the room with a smile. He shook Viktors hand and turned to me.
"I guess I don't have to introduce myself to you" he smiled and walked up next to me.
I could smell his cologne and reminded myself not to look at him. It was damn hard.

Another noise was heard from the door and I turned around. A boy on maybe 13-14 years with black untidy hair and glasses stood there. He looked nervous. He was probably shy, so I pulled on a warm smile.
"Do they want us to go to another room?"
He did not answer. He just looked more nervous. I looked at Cedric. He just looked confused.
Ludo Bagman walked into the room and grabbed the boys arm.
Then he said something that me gape and the others gasp in shock.
"May I introduce- however amazing it may sound- the fourth champion in the triwizard tournament"

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