30. The wedding

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30. The wedding

In two days it was Fleur's wedding. I had promised to come today. Lizzie were going to help her with her hair and makeup.

I arrived at a house on the countryside. It looked very cosy. Lizzie took my stuff and we walked to the house.
I knocked the door and almost immediately someone opened. It was the red haired woman who had been with Harry during the day the last task were held. Mrs Weasley, Bills mom.

“Good morning dear, you must be Fleurs friend" she said.
“Yes" I said with a charming smile.
Then she looked closer at me.
“Wait, are you?”
“Evangeline Clarion Nott, we met during the triwizard tournament”

Her eyes widened.
“I’m very sorry for your sake dear, I’ve heard how much Cedric meant to you”
I swallowed hard.
“Yes he did"
She looked sad for my sake but dragged me inside.
“Come, come dear"

She led me to the kitchen which were filled with people. It was lunchtime I Remembered.
Fleur jumped up.
“Evangeline!” she hugged me tightly. I felt very calm. I had missed her so. And with everything that had happened. I hugged her tighter.
“I’ve missed you"

I sat down between Hermione who I Remember from the triwizard tournament and a red haired girl. Harry sat in front of me.
“How are you?” I asked looking at him.
I nodded. “Good”

During lunch I talked to Hermione who had a lot to say about house elf rights. I just nodded and tried to act as though I hadn't grown up with house elves as servants.

I sat with Fleur in the bedroom she was getting ready in. Her roommates wasn’t there. Today was the big day. Fleurs wedding day. Veronica were supposed to arrive later.
Lizzie made Fleurs hair and makeup the way Fleur liked.

And then we just sat there alone. Lizzie helped mrs Weasley with the lunch.
*I can’t believe you’re getting married today*
*Me neither* she said.
*One day maybe it's my turn* I said dreamily.
*Someone special you’re thinking about?* she asked curiously.
*Maybe* I said with a little grin.

*Ooh, this is getting interesting, tell me more! I need details!”
I looked quickly at the clock.
*Sorry sweetie, you’re getting married in ten minutes we should go down*

We walked down were the rest of the bridesmaids waited. Ginny and Gabrielle. And…
“Veronica!” I screamed giving her a tight hug.
“Evangeline!” she returned the hug.
“Come on now!” Fleur said. “We must go"
“If the bride commands" Veronica said with a smirk.
“I do" Fleur said with her head high.
“Let’s go then, we have a wedding to crash” Veronica said. Fleur gave her a deathglare.
“Just kidding, just kidding"

After the breathtaking ceremony we ate and danced. I sat alone when I heard someone behind me. I turned around.
“Viktor!” I gave him a hug.
He looked flushed.
“Nice to see you again" He said with his deep voice.
“Yes it is! It was such a long time ago! How have you been doing?”
“Good, thank you"

It had been nice to meet Viktor. But having him and Harry here reminded me about the last champion. The one who didn’t make it. The one who had my heart to the bitter end. But still, he wanted me to move on. He did not want me to live in the past.

I sat alone again. Someone sat down next to me. Milo.
“Hi" I said feeling a little blushed.
“Oh, hi darling" he looked at me with that smile of his.
“Nice to see you again” I said remembering that the last time we met I had cried my face out on him.
He smirked.

“Nice to see you too, and this time without tears raining down on your pretty face”
“I’m so sorry for that!” I said.
He looked more serious.
“Don’t apologize, you’ve been through hell, it was good for you to let it out"
I felt grateful. It seemed as though he understood

“Did you lose someone too?” I asked quietly.
“Yes" he swallowed hard.
“Who? if you don't mind me asking”
“I don't mind"
He became quiet. “My brother and my little sister”
“Oh…. I’m so sorry"

“Me too" he said.
“When?” I asked quietly.
“After you know whos downfall, we were on semester here in England"

I felt a pain in my chest. His siblings died. Because of my biological father. I felt disgusted by myself.

For some reason I gave him a hug. He seemed a little tense but returned it.
“I’m sorry for your loss Milo"
“And I for yours" he whispered.

The hug lasted a while longer but then we separated. Milo looked calmer. He stood up.
“Can I have a dance mademoiselle?” he asked trying to pronounce mademoiselle in a french way.
I smiled.
“serait un honneur, monsieur”

He looked confused. I felt quite amused by his face.
“Would be an honour, sir"
He looked relieved.

We danced. It was actually fun. And I enjoyed myself. But then something flew in. A patronos.
“The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming.”

Panic. Panic everywhere. I looked up at Milo. He looked angry.
Then they came. The death eaters. Some appareted, others stayed and fighted.

I looked for Fleur and Veronica. Fleur stood next to Bill and Veronica stood in front two kids.
I thank god that mom or dad wasn’t able to attend.

Two hours later we sat in mrs Weasley's living room. We had been allowed to stay here and we weren’t faced with prison. Thank god for that. But still I knew that things were about to change.

And as I thought, one hour later I got a message from the ministry. My new boss isn't Pius Thickness anymore. My boss is now, Corban Yaxley. The death eater.

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Like father, Like daughter?Voldemort's Daughter Fanfic+Cedric Diggory Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now