31. The snatchers

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31.The snatchers

When I worked for Amelia Bones I had fun at work (at last most times). With Thickness it had been alright, he was not terrible but not amazing, just alright. But Yaxley. Yez. That man was the most arrogant asshole I had ever met.

And he was a muggle hater. A hardcore muggle hater. Working for someone like that was never fun. The first thing he said to me when I met him was, are you pureblood? I told him no and that I was adopted and had no idea by my blood status.

I had worked for him a week. But now it was enough. It wasn’t safe at the ministry. And I being who I am. I’m not going back to that place. I had no idea if he knew about me. But I wasn’t going to risk anything.

If he for some reason wanted to find me, I didn’t want it to be easy. I planned on travel through Europe. Not staying at a place to long. Victra, Zuri, Compass and Lizzie of course were to travel with me. I had talked to my friends and family. I said that because of my uncertain blood status I had decided to be on the run.

Mom and dad had protested saying that I could stay with them in France. But when they understood that they were unsuccessful they had given me advice and wished my good luck. I really did hope that it would help even the slightest.

Voldemort's POV:

I had tried to find her at her work at the ministry. Yaxley said that she one they just didn't come.
“That silly girl probably have a dirty little blood secret" he said with a laugh. “But dont worry my lord, we’ll find her”

He didn't say much after that. He just cried. The cruciatus curse is very effective.
But now I just had to find her.

Evangeline’s POV:

I had been on the run for two weeks. And not a sign of him. I really do hope that I managed to hide good enough so that he won't be able to find me. I were in italy for now so I felt quite certain that they wouldn't find me.

>>>A couple of hours later<<<

I was on a walk when I heard them coming. Not death eaters. Others who were on the run. They talked loudly in english I couldn’t here what they said but I was certain they were witches.

Then I heard it.
“I really do hope that the potter boy end that Voldemort guy”
I froze, now they are coming for us.
The other screamed.
“How could you Maggie?!”
“The name is jinxed!”
“Dumbledore always called him by his name..” the witch said quietly.

Then I heard them. Snatchers. I sank into the shadows hoping that no one would see me. If I appareted now they would find me. And I couldn’t leave the others.

I heard the screams of the witches when they caught them. And then they walked this way.
Damn it.
I had nowhere to hide.
I had to run for it I realised. I had to find a place where I could apparate to the tent. The snatchers were maybe 7. And I were 1. I was fast, but that fast?

Well I just had to try. If I don’t run they’ll catch me and if I run. Well they might catch me no matter what.

I heard more cries and screams.
“I’m pureblood! I swear!”
“Please let me go! I have a family! I have kids!”
I swallowed hard, I had to run for it.

When I emerged out from behind the bush I was sure that someone would see me. But no one did. They had already walked past me. I sighed out in relief. But I had to get away so I ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction.

And then.
I fell to the ground. And so did the man I had bumped into.
Oh shit. Okay, Evangeline. Play dumb. You’re a dumb french girl that doesn’t speak english.

Like father, Like daughter?Voldemort's Daughter Fanfic+Cedric Diggory Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now