25. The orphanage

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25. The orphanage

Lord Voldemort’s POV:

I arrived at the orphanage. I knocked the door and waited. It was 1 o’clock at the afternoon so I believed that it would be people inside.
I had a hood covering my face.
Noises were heard from inside and the door was opened. A short girl with brown hair maybe in her early twenties stood there.
*c'est quoi?*

I really did not have the patience to speak french with this girl.
“I have to speak with madame Baillon” I commanded.
“Oh! Yoj spek ingles”
I felt irritated by her bad english.
“Yes I do, let me in so I can speak with madame Baillon”
“Have yoj booked a apponment?”
“Then I can not let yoj in"
I pointed my wand at her.
At once she stood aside and let me in. It would of course have been easier to kill her but it would be unwise to draw attention.

The girl showed me to a room. Inside sat a old woman.
*Qui es-tu?*
“It doesn't matter, just answer my questions"
She looked as though she were to protest.
She smiled.

“Whatever you want to know.” she stood up letting me take her chair.

“What do you know of Evangeline Clarion?”
She looked happy when I mentioned the name.
“She lived here before”
“When did she start to live here?”
“November 1, 1981. When she was around 4 years old"
That was one day after my greatest defeat.
“Do you know who left her here?”
“No, and the girl could not remember”
“What do you mean by that?”
“She did not remember anything but her name and age, everything from her former life were gone”

It must be her! Rosalie probably removed her memories to keep her safe.
“Do you have a picture of Evangeline when she were a child?” I asked coldly.
She smiled and gave me a photo.

It was her. The photo showed my daughter in muggle clothes climbing a tree with some friend.
“She still sends me letters and pictures" madame Baillon said.
“Give them all to me!” I commanded.
I felt anger filling me. This woman had raised my child, she raised my child to be… to be… kind and good. Filled of love.

Madame Baillon gave me the pictures and the letters.  I looked at the one on top.
There stood Evangeline in a green gown. She was beautiful. By her sides stood two of her friends. One of them had silver blond hair and probably had veela blood and the other had dark brown hair.
The girls looked very happy on the picture. They laughed.
I looked up and madame Baillon. Once again anger filled me. This woman had been the first motherly figure Evangeline remembered. That had been Evangeline's words. This woman had shaped my daughters look on the world. This woman had made my daughter to what she is today.

Later that day when the brown haired girl had walked into the office she was met with a shook. Madame Baillon dead. And all of the pictures of Evangeline gone. Not a trace of the man who had been with her.

Sorry if the translations to french were wrong!  I have never studied french, I study spanish. So if you speak french and get irritated by my french at least you know why I suck.

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Like father, Like daughter?Voldemort's Daughter Fanfic+Cedric Diggory Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now