Playboy Crush X Reader part 4

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First of all, I love you guys and I'm sorry for being on hiatus. So let's go to the story shall we?


Everybody cheered as I got pulled by (C/n), but before we got into the closet someone barged in their secret hide out.

“Okaaaayyy so you guys are definitely gonna have detention for 2 days and will be cleaning the whole school for a week” the principal barged in totally disappointed seeing the goody two shoes which was me. “(Y/n) I don't see why you suddenly seem to be interest in hanging out with them. I mean you are free to have friends but I suggest that it would not be them” I just froze there looking dumb. Wow, just a few minutes ago this room was full of cheers and laughters but now it turned dead silent in just a minute. “Any who you better not make (Y/n) drink cause that may be the last thing that will persuade her to join your gang” the principal left.

“Wow I did not see that coming” (c/n) said as he shrug off what happened earlier. My jaw drop, this group doesn't care don't they. Well probably cause they got use to it but how will I explain this to my parents. While my thought was consuming me it was broken by the words that the playboys said “anyways the fun must go on right?” (c/n) pulled me to the closet and his friends made sure to lock the closet so I can not escape.I only let out a sigh, these guys won't ever give up until they get free food.

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