Confessed : Rejected

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( y/n's pov)
Actually I don't know why I'm still remembering ( c/n ) . I mean he rejected me a few years back right?  I don't know why I'm always bothered seeing his facebook full of pictures from him and his girlfriend.

I really need a break from all this drama.  I'm still remembering the time he rejected me.

- flashback -
Hey ( c/n ) I need to say something to you... 
What is it (y/n)?
I...  like...
You like who (y/n)?
I like...  You!
And in that moment I saw you frown
I'm sorry ( y/n ) but I like someone else. ...
I just smiled and walked away,  at least you said a clear rejection than a fake promise -
- flashback end -

And when I was busy thinking of the past.  I bumped with someone . When a hand was outstretched to me,  I look up and saw...  ( c/n)! And then I saw his girlfriend running towards him.

I'm so sorry but we have to rush!  His girlfriend drag him out.  At least I can see his regret eyes before he left.  At least I know he cares after all...

Maybe we weren't right for each other.  Maybe it's time to move on..
Thanks for giving me happiness even though it didn't last long for us...

Hey guys I'm sorry I have to make a sad scenario!  part 2?

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