KuudereReaderX Crush

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Requested by: JordanDrakon

(Y/n) (L/n), had caught (c/n's ) attention. He tried to interact and have a conversation with her. Sadly, (y/n) never understand why he was so close to her. Ever since she was a child no one paid attention to her. So, why would he?

She stompped her feet as she tried to get away from (c/n). She finally had enough and turned, glaring at (c/n).

" Why are you following me?!" She yelled. (C/n) went silent, "because.."
She gritted her teeth, " forget it!" she ran away from him.

" Wait!" he yelled trying to catch up with her. She stopped looking back at him, " What?" she said with a cold tone.  (C/n) flinched at the tone but stared at her seriously, " you want to know?" he asked.

Her eyes turned from cold furious eyes to curious eyes. She slowly nodded, waiting for a response. He took a deep breath, " cause my parents told me.." He went closer, now infront of her. " To follow your dream" her eyes widen as she felt a pair of lips above hers.

" anyone can catch your eye but it takes a special person to catch your heart"

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