Bullied Reader X Bully Crush

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(Y/n's pov)

I got dragged in an alleyway by my three bullies (c/n),(c/n's f/n) and (f/n). Yes it's also suprising to me at first when I figured about my own friend betraying me and went to (c/n). Trust me they were just friends.

So there's basically gonna be a flashback. I like three guys before and I was called a playgirl even though some people only liked me in a sexual manner. So since people are starting to spread rumors of me hooking up with (c/n's f/n), (c/n) started ignoring me and his friend too. Soon my friend had enough in embarassing herself cause she's with me so she left me for them. Due that she became stronger. Now back to the present.

They dragged me to the alleyway cause I refuse to be their slave (making their essays) so they beat me up there. (F/n) already took my phone and since she knew my password she tease of me stalking (c/n) because of pictures and videos. “So you like me?” (c/n) gave a smug look. “Before you asshole!” (c/n) gave an unimpress look and carried me like a sack of rice. “Okay I guess it's my obligation to punish our slave” I banged on his back but no avail. I sighed and fell into a deep slumber.

When I woke up I was greeted by a messy room. I sat up to notice bandages around the bruises those jerks made. I wince a little and I heard the door open slightly. (C/n) came and brought me a bowl of soup. I thought there was something there so I refuse to eat it. I thought he would force it down my throat but he put it down. But then pinned me down, he then lean in. “I want you to look at me differently cause I'm not what I am... Cause

B- baby
U- u
L- live
L- like
Y- yourself

And that's what I love about you” he winked and left the room. What was that all about? I blush trying to process what just happened.

Requested by this wonderful gal

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