Playboy Crush X Reader part 2

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(Y/n's pov)

I was enjoying my time in the library when someone pulled my arm. Yup it was the playboy of the campus. Not only did he ruined my reading time but also dragged me to his friends, guess what I have to skip class with them. Just great.

We went to some place that was kinda isolated. I was kinda shaking from fear thinking of negative things that they would do here. (C/n) took my hand whispered in my ear, “don't worry we're not gonna kill you” I rolled my eyes and pushed him away.

I went inside and I was greeted by a clean and well furnished room. Not bad for delinquents like them. They all sat down in the cold hard pavement and when I was about to do the same (C/n) pulled me roughly to sit down. If I wasn't really nice I would have beat him up but I regained my composure and let them chat like there was no tomorrow. Suddenly, a brunette spoke up with excitement, “let's play a game!” everyone stared at her excited form, what could she be thinking that got her all looking crazy? Well, I didn't expect her next sentence would be......


Oh guys try guessing the game and who ever gets it right will get shout-out  in the next scenario :)

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