The Room Where It Happens

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After Australia was the USA and Alaska on the map.

Tom: Red Leader

Tord: Tom my elsker

Tom: Didja hear the news about Orange Leader

Tord: No?

Tom: You know Egypt?

Tord: No dur Tom

Tom: The army renamed it after him.

Tord: Sure

Tom: And all he had to do was die

Tord: That’s a lot less work

Tom: We oughta give it a try

Tord: Heh

Tom: Now how’re you gonna get your new world government plan through?

Tord: I guess I’m gonna fin’ly have to listen to you~

Tom: Wut-

Tord: “Talk less. Smile more.”

Tom: Heh

Tord: Do whatever it takes to get my plan on the new worlds floor

Tom: Purple and Pink leader are merciless.

Tord: Well, love the sin and love the sinner

Purple: Red!

Tord: I’m sorry love, I’ve gotta go

Tom: But—

Tord: Decisions are happening over dinner

Tom: Two women and an Norwigen walk into a room

Tom and Red Army: Diametric’ly opposed, foes

Tom: They emerge with a compromise, having opened doors that were

Tom and RA: Previously closed

RA: Bro

Tom: The man emerges with unpredicted power
A system he can form however he wants
The Russian and Irish emerge with their plan
And here’s the pièce de résistance:

Tom: No one else was in
The room where it happened
The room where it happened
The room where it happened
No one else was in
The room where it happened
The room where it happened
The room where it happened
No one really knows how the game is played
The art of the trade
How the sausage gets made
We just assume that it happens
But no one else is in
The room where it happens. 

Tom and RA: Purple claims—

Purple: Red Leader was on Yellow Leader's doorstep one day
In distress ‘n disarray

Tom and RA: Purple claims—

Purple: Red said—

Tord: I’ve nowhere else to turn!

Purple: And basic’ly begged me to join the fray

Tom and RA: Purple claims—

Purple: I approached Pink and said—
“I know you hate ‘im, but let’s hear what he has to say.”

Tom and RA: Purple claims—

Purple: Well, I arranged the meeting
I arranged the menu, the venue, the seating

Tom: But!
No one else was in—

Tom and RA: The room where it happened
The room where it happened
The room where it happened

And If You Go, I Wanna Go With You [Tomatt]Where stories live. Discover now