Explanation Of There

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Sorry this isn't a chapter but id like to explain Nanny's house.

So at the time when I wrote the chapter about the murder I was greatly missing my great grandma. Which her name is Nanny [blank] im not sharing her last name. Papaw died im assuming 2-3 years ago but I still miss them bith dearly. My dad lost her number due to a insistence with his phone making him get a new phone. So its been a while sense ive seen them. But the house was based on my Nanny's house and theyres still more to come. The only things different is Papaw is alive and they dont live in Ireland. Exept the fully this is they did help raise someone named Tommy. Someone SIMILAR to Matt and someone SIMILAR to Edd/tord exept minus the artist and communism and Norwigen and British parts.

Doggy do-dos were a special recipe that was passed one from generation to generation and maybe soon passed onto me and my siblings. Theres still more to come. I havent even scratched the surface of Nanny's house. Not. Even. The. Surface.

More to come soon

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