Chapter 30

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Me and China helped Janae to her car. We put her in the back seat. China got Janae's keys and started driving to the nearest hospital. Jamie was right behind us.

I called Chris on the way there.


"Sade? Why are you yelling? What's wrong?"

"Janae's in labor!"

"What? How would you know!?"

"I'll tell you later! Just get to the hospital quick!"


- end of call -

We got the the hospital and they took Janae to a room. We were waiting in the waiting room for Chris.

When Chris got there I ran him to Janae's room.

*4 hours later*

Chris came out to the waiting room with the biggest smile on his face. By this time it was only me still there.

I was stay with Jamie cause my mom was out of town. She took everybody home and she was coming back to pick me up.

Chris "So how did you end up with Janae when her water broke?"

"I saw her at the mall and her water just kinda broke in front of us."

"Even though y'all aren't cool I'm happy you brought her here just for the baby's sake."

"You're welcome."

"Wanna see her?"

"The baby?"



We walked down this long hall then we came to this big glass window it was only babies in the room.

He pointed "There she is."

"She's beautiful. What's her name?"

"Jada Inaya Singleton."

I looked at Chris, the smile on his face was priceless. He was a proud dad. He looked as if he couldn't be anymore happy.

"Chris I'm really happy for you."


He gave me the biggest hug. I hated to admit it but I missed him. A part of me still wanted Chris.

"I guess I'll go wait for Jamie to pick me up."

"I'll drive you."

I nodded "That would be great."


The ride home was a little awkward at first but we warmed up to each other after a while.

"You missed the turn."

"No I didn't."

"Yeah you did."

"Just enjoy the ride."

I looked out the window and realized where we were going. I've been there enough times to know where we were going.

"Chris we're going to the beach aren't we?"

He just smiled.

We got to the beach but I didn't get out the car.

"Get out the car."

"It's winter! You get in the car."

"No, come out."

I took my shoes off, of course I had socks on though. We started walking on the beach.

"So Sade you've been like a stranger."

"Yeah I just thought I'd give you some time."


"Yeah to get all your thoughts together."



"Look my thoughts are the same. I don't wanna be with Janae. Yeah I'm gonna take care of our baby but that's it."

"But today you just looked so happy. I thought maybe you wanna be with Janae."

"I don't wanna be with nobody but you."

He grabbed my hand and leaned in to kiss me. I turned away.

"I have something good going on right now with Derick. A part of me wants you, but right now isn't a good time. I'm sorry."

"It's ok. Let me just take you to Jamie's house."



I got inside Jamie's house and she was waiting right at the door.

"Don't tell me you cheated on Derick."

"I didn't."

She exhaled "Ok good, I was worried."

"I'm just gonna go to sleep now."

"Sade what happened?"


"You sure?"

"Yes! Goodnight!"

And I close the guest bedroom door.

I got in my pjs and laid in the bed the rest of the night. I didn't even eat dinner, I just laid there.

My life has never been so all over the place. My heart has never been so all over the place!

My first love is dead! I'm in love with my enemy. And I'm in a relationship with somebody my friends get along great with and I love but I can't be in love with him because of Chris.

Whose else life is like this !?


Y'all have been talking about him so much and he's back ! Yayyyy Chris is back! Lol ! How many of y'all are team Sade & Chris ? I wanna know, so comment for me 😄

~Maddy 😘💕

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