Chapter 3

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"Momma I'm home." I call out when I got inside. I put my keys on the table and went up to my room. I decided to write in my journal.

Just when my life was getting better... CHRIS had to come back. I hate him for everything he put me through. Now he's back! He didn't even recognize me. But he flirted with me saying I'm "thick in all the right places" now. He's such a douche! And cute :(. He's an incredible cute douche! And his locker is next to mine this is going to be a long school year.

After I finished writing I got a text

Eric 😊😜 |Come outside Sae 💕|

Eric isn't my boyfriend but he's my boo. We go to the same school, but he got suspended for the first 3 days of school for fighting this boy on the last day.

|Be out in a minute.|

I changed into black basketball, a white t-shirt, I kept my shoes and beanie on. And I walked outside and didn't see him. I texted him.

|Where you at??|

Eric 😊😜 |Walk to my house. I'm on the porch|

|Half way? 😏|

Eric 😊😜 |No 😐|

|Alright I'm coming|

When I got to his house he was on the porch like he said. He got up and walked to the driveway. He rapped his arm around my neck and pulled me into a suffocating hug. Eric said "Hey babe." He let go and kiss my lips. The kiss would of lasted longer if this car didn't pass by, we didn't want to put a show on for the people of our neighborhood. We went to his backyard to sit and play on the trampoline.

We got back there and I was doing tucks and backflips on the trampoline. When I got tired I sat down and Eric climbed on. We laid down on the trampoline, I was cuddling him with my head on his chest. I looked up at him, and scooted up to kiss his cheek. He look at me and smiled, I smiled back.

He leaned in to kiss me, but instead he started something that wasn't gonna end will. He started tickling me. He knew I hated being tickled, but he always tried to tickle me. I was laughing and kicking, and hating it! I rolled over and got on top of him holding his wrist. I told him to stop, but all he did was gain control and rolled over, and he was on top of me.

I surrendered but he didn't get off. Instead he kissed me for real this time. He was kissing me passionately and I was kissing back. He broke the kiss to catch some air but went right back down. His tongue asked for entry into my mouth. Soon our tongues were in sync. We didn't stop until I got a text.

Ma💕 | I hope you not doing nothing you not suppose to be doing. Time to come on back home. I got dinner ready|

"Ughhhh! I gotta go babe. You walking me home?" I asked Eric. He looked at me like I was crazy but he got up and put on his shoes. We walked hand-in-hand all the way to my house. We stopped at the mailbox of my house. He peck my lips one last time then left.

When I got inside I could tell my mom was peeping out the window at us. She was giggling and smiling, I swear she's so weird. I washed my hands, and fixed my dinner plate. After I took a shower, I fell fast asleep. "Tomorrow is day 2 with that jerk."

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