Chapter 1

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'Beep, Beeeeep, Beeeeeeeeeep'

"Fuck" I hit my alarm, my eyes still closed. I peep my eye open to see it was 6:15 AM. I always hated first days of school. I got up and did my hygiene things. I went to my closet to see what to wear. I pulled out light blue high waist Levi's, a plain black crop top that fit right at my belly button, and my fire red 5 Jordan's. I curled my hair that stopped right under my boob.

I went downstairs and made a bowl of cereal. I turned some music on and 23 by Miley Cyrus came on. When the song went off I realized I need to leave. I grabbed my keys and got inside my white Volkswagen.

When I got to school I went to the gym and sat in the 11th grade section. I sat with my friends Kiera and Alexis. We were talking about our summer. Then I heard the girl that was sitting in front of me say "Hey Chris! I miss you boy." I took a deep breath because the only Chris that she could of missed was Chris Singleton.


"Drake there goes that ugly, fat bitch!"
Everybody in hall laughing at Chris' remark and more importantly at me. I ran to the bathroom locking myself in a stall. I took the scissors out my purse and cut my wrist. I cut my wrist 3 times for the 3 names he called me; ugly, fat, and bitch.I stayed in the bathroom until the janitor caught me skipping class. He sent me to the Principal. I got in-school suspension for 2 days. Those were the only days I felt safe.

*end of flashback*

That went on for 2 years. After 8th grade I lost weight. I got contacts, I only wear glasses at home. And I got rid of all my acne.

I turned around to seeing exactly who I thought it was, Chris. He had on True Religion jeans, a white True Religion shirt, and the weatherman Foamposites. I had to admit he was looking cute, but I just hate him so much. He was the reason I was going to kill myself. Alexis snapped me out of my thoughts and said "That's Chris? Your middle school bully Chris?" My stomach wasn't feeling that good. I nodded trying not to puke everywhere.

Kiera asked me if I was alright. I shook my head and ran to the closest bathroom in the girl's locker room, with the girls behind me. I barely made it, but I got to one of the toilet and puked. When I finish I was shaking. What this about to be middle school all over again? I got up because it was time for us to go to homeroom. Before we left out the bathroom Kiera gave me some gum so my breath wouldn't smell nasty.

When I got to my homeroom I saw my other friend China. She was with me through the "dark days" of middle school. I sat next to China and said "CHINA!!! I missed you! How was California?" She told me how she had fun with her family there and how she met this boy Dustin and they're in a long distance relationship right now. I'm so happy China found her a man. I said "Awwww."

I looked to see would else was in the classroom. Since I was so into China's story. And no surprise, there Chris was in the corner of the class talking to these two girls Destiny and Lauryn. They were laughing and flirting and whatever else. I just ignored it.

Mr. Smith called my name finally to get my locker. The slip said "Locker 926". So I walked out and went to locker 926, luckily for me it was a top locker. I opened my locker and put my book bag in there. On my way back China said "Come with me to my locker." I went and it ended up being next to mine but a bottom locker. I wondered who's locker would be there. My eyes popped out my head to see who's locker it was.

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