Chapter 10

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"Yo mom said it was ok for me to stay here while her and my dad are gone."

"Well you could of called me Chris."

"Yeah, yeah. You gon' let me in?"

I rolled my eyes and tried to close the door, but Chris put his foot in the door.

"Come on Sae! Let me in. Please?"

I sighed and opened the door.

We walked in the living room and China said "Hey Chris?" He looked at the TV "Why y'all watchin' this sap shit!?" China snapped back "Why aren't you?"

"Cause it's lame."

I raised my eyebrow and just said "Oh." Chris sat on the chair in the living room and watched the rest of the movie with us.

When the movie was over Chris was already sleep. I woke him up "Chris you can sleep in the guest room upstairs." He woke up and smiled "Why can't I sleep in your room?" I shook my head "Me and China are sleep in there."

I showed him to the room. Before I walked out Chris said "Wait." I turned around and he said "Come here." I walked over to the side of the bed and Chris had his arms open for a hug. I hugged him and looked up, we were looking into each other's eyes.

That's when the unthinkable happened. Chris kissed me right on my lips, and I KISSED BACK! I broke the kiss and walked out the room quickly. I could hear him say "Good Night" as I was walking to my room.

I got to my room and I was breathing hard. China turned over in the bed and asked "What's wrong with you?" I whispered "If I tell you, you can't tell anybody, you can't ever mention it again." She sat up "Alright."

"Okay so I showed Chris to the guest room. Then he asked for a hug. And... We ended up kissing." I was freaking out!

China gasped "Okay. Calm down Sade. What are you gonna do?"

"What do you mean 'What I'm i gonna do'?"

"Well are you gonna tell Eric?"

"No. Hell no!"

"Okay so what?"

"I don't know." I started tearing up.

"It's ok Sade. Just go to sleep. We'll talk about tomorrow."



China and I were in the car talking about what happened last night.

" So was it a good kiss?"

"Yes. But I don't want to like his kiss." I pouted and crossed my arms.

She laughed "But you did," then she got serious "You need to choose cause you can't sneak around with Chris. I like Eric. He's a good fit for you."


I walked to my locker to get my homework for tonight. Chris was there, but he wasn't in his locker he was waiting for somebody.

"Who you waiting on?"

"You Sae!"

"Oh that's nice." I said sarcastically.

"Yeah it is. I thought I'd take you home since my dad and yo mom back at yo house, and 'your boyfriend' isn't here."

"No thanks. I'm getting a ride with Kay-Kay."



"Oh yeah her. She just ran past here. She said she was late for a doctors appointment."



I huffed "Fuck" under my breath.

"Damn shawty you must really not want me to drive you home."

"Let's just go."

When we got the car Chris was laughing. "What's so funny?" He laughed "I was just playing about that girl. I just wanted to drive you home."

My mouth was open "You jerk! Why would you do that!?"

"Cause it's funny."

"It's really not."

We got to my house and walked in. And there was my mom and Chris' dad, Darnell, just like before they left. I waved and walked to my room, and Chris followed.

When I got in my room Chris came and closed the door quietly. I turned around and he grabbed my face and slammed our lips together. I pulled away "Chris, what the fuck!? I have a fuckin' boyfriend!"

"So! He doesn't have to know Sae! I know you feelin' me..... And I'm feelin' you too."

"Chris we can't do this!"

He took a step forward so we were inches apart, he whispered "Tell me that you don't like this."

Then all of a sudden Chris put his arms around my waist, hugging me tight and kissed my lips softly. His soft lips sent shivers down my spine.

I hugged and kissed him back. This was so wrong, but it felt so right. We kissed until Chris needed air. He asked "So?"
I looked up at him and blushed. He smiled and pulled me to the bed.

He sat down and I put my legs around his waist. We kissed again, again, and.... again.

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