Chapter 9

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Chris 😂🙈|Meet me in the back of the library during lunch|

I looked at the clock and it was 10 minutes before lunch. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid! After having that great date with Eric, I decided I can't take any chances messing this up. I was going to try to avoid Chris.

Avoiding his texts and calls yesterday obviously didn't work!

I walked inside the library and nobody was in there, not even the librarian. I looked around and saw that each bookcase was isolated. Each bookcase was tall and faced horizontal, so no one could see behind the bookcases. I went to the last bookcase and saw Chris sitting on the ground.

I sat next to him and whispered "Wassup?" He shrugged "Nothing. But I been trying to talk to you for 2 days. So wassup wit you?" I lied "I didn't even realized. I been so busy with school -" Chris whisper yelled "Stop bullshitin' Sae!"

Chris calling me Sae gave me chills.

"Okay. I went on a date with Eric Saturday night and I spent the day with him Sunday. I haven't had time to have a conversation with you this weekend."

Chris laid his head back on the bookshelf and sighed "Oh." I nodded slowly "Yeah..."

Chris got up and brushed himself off. I got up and asked "That's it?" He put his hands in his pockets "Yeah that's it! What else is there to talk about!?"

I was mad that he was yelling at me "First can you not be so loud! And why are you mad!? Cause I told you the truth? Or is it because your jealous?"

He's face turned red, he was angry. "Sade just shut the fuck up now before I hit yo ass!"

I was mad, I pushed him "Do it then Chris!" He just walked away. I huffed under my breath "Punk ass."

I heard Chris leave the library, he slammed the door behind him. I sat back down and cried into my hands.

I went to the restroom to clean myself up before my next period. I looked in the mirror and my nose was red and I had little bags under my eyes. I couldn't do anything else about it so I walked to my locker to get my books.

My heart dropped to see Chris and some tramp kissing. Not just a ole' regular kiss, but tongue kissing right there in front of our lockers.

I said "Excuse me" in a low voice. They finally stopped and Chris grabbed her butt and said "See you after school" with a smirk on his face. I grabbed my books and slammed my locker.

I'm actually glad he's going to bang that tramp after school. That means he won't be at my house today.

The car ride home was quite. We got to a red light. Eric put his hand on my thigh "What's wrong babe?"

"Nothing. I'm just tired."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Eric!"

"Why you giving me all this attitude Sae!?"

I pointed to the green light and he started driving again. "I'm sorry. I'm just not feeling okay."

We got to my house."I hope you feel better babe." Eric kissed me on the forehead and I got out the car.

My mom waved from the table where her and Chris' dad were sitting at "Hey Sae. We have an emergency meeting in LA. But I'll be back in 2 days" I just said "Okay" Darnell looked at his phone then me "Chris isn't going to be here today. He went to tutorial."

Tutorial my ass!

"Tragic" I spat in a sarcastic tone. My mom looked at me with wide eyes "Sade Brown! What is wrong with you?" "Nothing Mom. I'm going to sleep!" I rolled my eyes and walked up the steps.

The ringing of my phone woke me up, in was 7:45.


"Hey babe. Is this a bad time?"


"Just woke up huh?"

I laughed "Yeah."

"What you doing?"

"Nothing bored. Wanna come over?"

"Can I?"

"Yeah my mom had to go to LA for an emergency meeting."

"Cool. I'll be there in 5."

"Okay. See you then babe."

-- call ended--

I through my hair in a messy bun and changed into some basketball shorts and a plain black t-shirt. I heard the doorbell ring, so I quickly pulled my shirt over my head and ran down the stairs.

I let Eric in, he put his bag on the couch, then he turned to me and picked me up and hugged me. I laughed at my feet that were dangling from him picking me up. He put me down "What's so funny?" I poked his chest "You!" He laughed then picked me up bridal style and took me upstairs. He laid me down on my bed and pinned me down.

We looked at each other. I asked "What now?" Then Eric slammed his lips onto mine. I slid his jogging pants off. He broke the kiss "Sae are you really ready for this?" I bit my lip and nodded. He slipped my shirt off and soon everything else.

I was now losing my virginity because I need to get Chris off my mind. This was the worse way to get him off my mind, but it was working.

I moaned loud. This was hurting me way more than I thought. It was kind of awkward. But I'm glad this was with Eric.


I crept out of bed to take a shower. I got! out my black bra and panty set. In the shower I listened to a little Destiny's Child. I sung along to the song Say My Name. I got out the shower to get dressed for school. I walked out the bathroom and Eric was sitting up in the bed.

I smiled "Good Morning babe." He smiled back "Good Morning Sae." I looked at the clock and said "You should get dressed were gonna be late!"

I slipped on a black MTV shirt, skinny cargo pants, and black toms. Eric had on black jeans, a white crew neck Polo shirt, and his Steel 10 Jordan's. We skipped breakfast and went on to school.

Today was a good day, I got out of 2nd period to go to my locker and Chris was there. It didn't bother me. When I opened my locker I could feel Chris looking at me, but I ignored it. He closed his locker but he didn't leave. He cleared his throat as if he was announcing his presents.

I closed my locker and walked away. He yelled from behind me "You fake Sade." I turned around "Aren't you supposed to me mad?" He walked up to me and shook his head "Not no more." I rolled my eyes "Well I still am" and walked off.

Chris is so wishy-washy. One day he wants to be mad at me, and the next day he wants to play around. I swear he bipolar!

My mom wasn't coming home until tomorrow so I invited China to sleepover. When she came she brought our favorite movies: The Notebook and The Last Song. I jumped up and down. I love sappy movies.

I decided before we started the movies I would vent to China, and tell her everything. When I finished her mouth was wide open. The first thing she said was "Were you going to tell me about you and Eric doing IT." I laughed at China "Were in 11th grade, I'm pretty sure you can say sex."

Then she asked "So you like Eric and Chris!?" I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know. I know I like Eric, but I don't know about Chris. I know we have something going on... Well had."

China nodded her head. I got up to pop the popcorn, and grab the Sour Patch Kids.

At the end of the Notebook I was wiping my tears. I've watched this movie a million times and cry everytime. I looked over at China and she was crying too! When the movie was over we needed more popcorn for the second movie.

The doorbell rung a little after the movie started. China laughed "Your Noah is a the door." I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully.

I actually didn't know who was at the door. I turned on the light on for the front door. I looked at the window and opened the door.

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