Chapter 15

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"Pssstttt Sade!" somebody whisper yelled. I moaned "Hmm?" Then they started shaking me "Sade." I opened one eye, it was Chris.

"What Chris?"

He laughed "Hey."

I smelled alcohol, and ALOT of it.

"Chris are you drunk?"

He smiled hard and laughed "Maybe."

All of a sudden he started gagging.

"NO Chris! Not in my room!"

I rushed him to the bathroom. He kneeled at the toilet and threw up for about 5 minutes. I was rubbing his back as he was puking.

When he was done I took him downstairs and laid him on the couch.

I went in the kitchen to get him aspirin and on the counter I saw an empty bottle of vodka and 4 cans of beer. I got him 2 aspirins and a bottle of water, but when I got back he was knocked out.

I put the aspirin and water on the coffee table in front of him and went back up stairs. Half way up the stairs there was a loud boom. I looked and Chris was now on the floor.

I went back down to put him back on the couch. Boy he was heavy! And he was still sleep threw all of this! He was super drunk.

My alarm when off and I was so upset. I barely slept 3 hours. I was too worried about Chris to sleep.

I quickly threw on gray sweats, a gray Supreme shirt, and red converse. I went downstairs to wake Chris up.

"Chris wake up. You gotta get ready."

"For what?"

"For school."

"Shit! Okay. Can you make me coffee?"


I made the coffee and got the aspirin off the table. I put the coffee and aspirin in his hand when he got back downstairs.

When we got in the car Chris asked "What happened last night?"

"Um well... You drank a whole bottle of vodka and 4 beers, woke me up, puked for like five minutes, then you passed out on the couch, fell off the couch, then I had to put you back on the couch."

"So you helped me last night?"


"Oh. Well. Thanks."

"Um... You're welcome?"


"So," there wasn't really anything to talk about "Can we just ride in silence?"

"Yeah. Sure."

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

I was really mad anymore, but everything is just awkward.

Was he just about to apologize? Why did I ask to ride in silence? Why can't he just apologize? Is he going to break the silence?

We pulled up somewhere, but it wasn't our school.

"Chris what are we doing at the beach?"

"This is where are problem started, and here's where it's gonna end."

"Chris can we please go to school?"

"No! Sade I'm an ass."

"Really!?" I said sarcastically.

"But I'm trying to work on it."

"Then why-" he cut me off.

"Let me finish. I'm trying to work on it, but sometimes things slip."

"Things like that don't just slip."

"Sade shut up and let me finish!"

The tone in his voice honestly made me kind of scared.

Then he continued "Sade I like you a lot. Just give me another chance."

I thought about it, and after my moment of silence I mumbled "Ok."

He smiled "Huh?"

"I said okay."

He picked me up and kissed me.

I laughed "Now can we go to school?"


Kind of short but do y'all like it so far?

I've been trying to balance homework and this book! But thank you for being patience. And thanks for the love you've been showing. 😘

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