Chapter 20

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It's been a few days since I've seen Chris. He hasn't been to school, and he hasn't blown up my phone. Probably because I told his dad he has a child.

Yeah I think that would make anybody mad. But his father deserves to know! After all that is his grandson or daughter.

"Sade!" I heard somebody call.

I looked and it was my teacher "Yes?"

"You can leave now."

I looked around and I was the only person in the class. I guess I was to deep in thought to hear the bell ring.


I got to lunch and sat with China, Jamie, Alexis, and Kiera of course! They were already at the table they all got quiet. Everyone at the table was looking at me.


Everybody said "Nothing!"

I rolled my eyes "Whatever."

China squirmed around in excitement "OMG Sae your birthday is in 2 weeks!"

I eyes widened "I totally forgot with everything that's been going on."

Kiera was smiling "So what are you gonna do for your birthday?"

I shrugged "I don't know. Probably nothing."

Jamie suggested "Why don't we rent out a hotel room for that weekend and just chill."

Everybody nodded.

I sighed "Alright we can do that."

I honestly don't want to do anything for my birthday, expect to sleep in my bed all day. I don't know why my friends are so concerned about it.

The rest of lunch they had pointless conversations that I wasn't really interested in. I tried to interact with them so they wouldn't be bothered with my feelings or thoughts.


I got home and went straight to my room. I've been spending a lot of time in this bed the past month or so. It's my only source of comfort.

Laying down here got me thinking.

I realized I don't have anybody. My friends are keeping something from me, my mom is all about work, Eric is gone, and Chris has a child he has to take care of with his "future wife".

So I'm here alone wondering will anyone ever love me and care about me. No one knows how I feel!





Those words are just circling in my brain. I can't get them out because all those words equal ME.

After an hour of crying someone knocked on my door.

It was ...


Just a little update for everybody! Happy Holiday 🎆

~Maddy 😘💕

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