Party party party - 59

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Emerald's POV

A month has passed my baby boy looks more alive. He has the most beautiful little smile ever, he's so adorable - and them cheeks, they are just so squeezable...

And of course, Christian has been there for me and baby Matteo all the way through.
Yeah we decided to call him Matteo, it's a lovely name and it suits him very well. It took us quite a while trying to give our baby a name, we were just fussing about the whole thing and then I just said, "Well what about the name Matteo?"

Christian furrowed his eyebrows, he really didn't like any of the names that I suggested at first but then he nodded his head. "That's nice." He said to me and smiled.

So there it was, baby Matteo Rodriguez. I love him so much, he's my light. He means everything to me.

To think that when I was first pregnant with him I didn't really want him and I was scared of the way that things might turn out frightens me now. I would never give my baby up for anything or anyone. He means the world to me and I am so happy to have him in my life.

Everything is just going perfectly, I have a great husband and a lovely and healthy little baby.

"Em, so do you want to get ready, we're going to head off in a bit." Christian says to me, I look up at him and furrow my eyebrows. Where are we going?

I'm lost...

"What?" I ask him as I'm still furrowing my eyebrows; absolutely confused.

"The party?" Christian chuckles, "Come on, get up and get ready lazy bum!"

I roll my eyes and purse my lips, "I am not lazy." I groan, "I'm just a little tired." I argue and then I kiss him on the cheeks.

"Alright princess, stop moaning and groaning, go get ready, your carriage awaits you." He smiles at me and I laugh.

Well a party, you're probably wondering why there is a party... My brother, Luke and Lola my gorgeous and amazing best friend got married just a few weeks ago. They eloped, I was surprised they didn't make a fuss at all. It happened ever so fast but I'm really happy for them.

And that is why I can't miss their party by procrastinating! Oops. I rush upstairs and go into my bedroom, looking around my closet and deciding what to wear - there is literally nothing that is suitable to wear.

Hmm, I still look around my closet going through all my dresses, deciding, thinking - WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO WEAR?

Oh, it's ok. No need for me to go crazy 101, I'm fine. I think I have found the perfect dress to wear.

I hold it in my hands and look at it, it's absolutely stunning. It's silver, with diamonds on the top, it's long, very elegant and very classy.

I unzip the zip of the dress and take my leggings and my t-shirt off. I then put my dress on and look in the mirror. The dress is really just so beautiful.

But I can't zip it up, and now like in those romantic movies that we see, there will be a guy behind the girl and he will zip up the dress...

Cute, it really is but this isn't a romantic movie so I guess I just have to scream for Christian to help me zip up my dress.

"CHRISTIAN!" I shout as loud as I can in hopes that he can hear me.
Christian walks into the room with a bit of an annoyed and semi angry face, oops. "Matteo is asleep." He sighs, I frown and mutter a "sorry."

He looks at me waiting for me to say what I need to say and then I raise one eyebrow up and say, "Oh yes." I turn around and mumble, "Can you please zip up my dress."

"Sure I can darling." He whispers, he slowly zips up my dress and then kisses my neck.

"You look so fucking sexy." He says seductively, I turn around and smile.

"Thanks." I say quietly and I can feel the blush across my face. "You look handsome." I wink and laugh; he is in a nice black suit, with a black shirt and black trousers as well. He really does look handsome and manly...

"Come on, let's get into the car. I already got Matteo dressed." Christian whispers, I smile at him. He is just so perfect, melts my heart, makes me go crazy... I had way too much coffee.

Christian and I both go into the next room, I look at my little baby; all cute and snuggled up. He looks so comfortable and warm, I pick him up in my arms and give him a kiss on the forehead.

We all go downstairs, outside and we get into the car. I sit at that back with Matteo in his baby seat. I don't want to leave him alone at the back, it sort of gets me anxious.

Christian puts on some music, the radio plays a nice and calm country song. I never usually like country music but this song is amazing.

As Christian drives, I look out of the window; the sky is so beautiful, pink, orange with a hint of purple. It's like magic, so stunning and fascinating as well. This world can be sometimes so terrible but other times it could be so great...

The car stops and the music does as well, Christian gets out of the car and takes Matteo out as well. I get out of the car and look at the massive building in front of me before closing the car door. 

What a fantastic view, the venue is massive and there are lovely lights displayed everywhere.

We go in and I smile, I see my brother and Lola - they look ever so happy and it makes me happy. I see my mum, Camila and some other few fifty guests.

I mean who are half of these people? 

Music is playing and I cringe - holy shit I got a vagina? Is that what music is these days, oh lord help this world please. I roll my eyes and then look at Christian who has a look of confusion on his face. 

The music then changes to Ariana Grande, no tears left to cry and I happily sigh, thank god for that.

Actually wait - that's sad for other people because I'm going to start singing really loudly.
"Right now I'm in this state of my mind." I sing, "I wanna be in like all the time, ain't got no tears left to cry-."

"Babe, I love you so much... But please stop singing." Christian cuts me off, I gasp, what a rude mother fucker. I raise my right eyebrow up at him and laugh as he chuckles, he gives me a smile before we go ahead and sit down at a table.

Both Lola and Luke walk over to us, they both have the most biggest smiles on their faces, "Hi sis." Luke says to me as he gives me a tight hug.

"Hey Luke." I smile at him and hug him back, "How are you both?" I ask as I look at him and Lola.

Lola nods her head, smiles and then says, "I am fine. What about you?"

"Oh I am absolutely ecstatic!" I laugh, "I'm still shocked... I can't believe you're both married."

"We're happy for the both of you." Christian says to them, "Thank you for having us."

We all have a little chat about random topics, I dance a little bit and I sing as well before Lola and Luke leave the table and I'm left with Christian and baby Matteo.

Matteo was still fast asleep, the music wasn't loud so it was alright for him.

Christian and I didn't stay at the party for too long because of our baby and because we were both pretty tired. As much as I love Matteo I have to admit looking after a baby day after day, night after night, it's difficult and it gets very exhausting.

But it's all worth it in the end...

Last chapter, I wanted to do so much more with this book but I just lost interest in it and I'm so sorry. I hope that you've still enjoyed it though, please keep the comments, the votes going up!

Thanks for all the support. I love you all, read my other stories please and I love feedback.

Bye, see you all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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