Life is an adventure - 27

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Emerald's POV

"I never want to go back home." I say to Christian as I lay my head on his shoulders.

We are both sitting on the sand and watching the waves, the sky and listening to the birds singing.
It's six o'clock in the morning, we both ate sandwiches for breakfast because that was all there was. 

Yesterday was such an a great day, we watched the sunset and we looked at the beautiful shining stars. I really never want to go back home, it's so peaceful and relaxing here. There is no unnecessary drama or heartbreak. 

"I never want to go back either." Christian whispers, "It's so much better being here with you and just relaxing."

"Yeah, it really is so simple." I mumble, "No drama."

I get up and I stretch my arms out, "I'm going to get some crisps from the car, do you want one?" I ask Christian.


"Which flavour?" I ask.

"Prawn Cocktail please."

"Okay." I say as I walk to the car, I open the boot and get out two Prawn Cocktail crisps - one for Christian and one for me. I personally think that Prawn Cocktail is the best flavour ever of the Walkers crisps. 

I close the boot and I then go back to Christian, "Here." I throw him the crisp packet.

"Thanks." He mumbles as he opens his packet of crisps.

"No problem."

I lie my head back down on his shoulders and I open my pack of crisps. Very unexpectedly Christian kisses my forehead, I shyly smile at him. 

I don't know what me and Christian are; he gives a few odd kisses here and there and sometimes he blurts, "I love you." 

I really don't know how he feels about me, I know that he cares about me and I know he will do anything at all to protect me.

I trust Christian, I know how he is and I know he wouldn't do anything to purposely hurt me but sometimes I still overthink the past. I think about Tom that evil piece of shit, I think about the times we would go out on dates, we would go to the park, I would tell him everything and he would tell me everything. I felt like we were both really in love with each other... But even love can deceive you. 

When you spend so much time with someone and you share almost everything with them and then they hurt you - really hurt you - you never expect it coming. It makes you lose trust in almost everyone, it makes you want to hide under your bed and never come out again. That's how I felt for a long time, it was either that or I would try escaping my problems by getting drunk. 

"I... need to tell you something or ask you something." Christian slowly says, interrupting my deep thoughts. I look at him and wait for him to carry on. 

"I'm not forcing you or anything Em, it's just a little bit of advice." He starts off, "I really think you should meet your brother."

I close my eyes and I take a deep breath, I then open my eyes and I look at him, I move my head away from his shoulders and frown, "You really think I should?" I ask him and he nods. 

Should I meet him? He is my twin brother and that makes me feel sort of anxious, a brother wow. I have been lied to for so long. I want to meet him, see how he looks like, see how he is, it's very interesting. I don't know, I just feel scared.

What if he doesn't like me?

"Don't worry Emerald, he will like you." Christian chuckles and I give him a baffled look -  how the hell did he know what I was thinking?

"How-." I start off but he interrupts me.

"How did I know what you're thinking?" He says, "Easy... It is so easy to read you Em. You just have this cute look on your face and I know that you're in deep thoughts thinking of something so stupid." He shakes his head, "Of course he will like you, who wouldn't? Emerald, you're amazing and smart, you're beautiful and your heart is so special. Of course he like you."

"Thanks." I smile, "Thanks for everything, you always me feel better."

"No problem Em." He smiles awkwardly as he directs his eyes at mine. 

I hold his hand, he holds onto mine and I bite my lips. I look back at him; he looks so perfect with his mesmerising eyes, his sharp jawline and beautiful lips. I lick my lips as he moves in closer, his lips touch mine and I move in closer as well, we kiss each other passionately in sync. 

Christian puts his forehead on mine and I can hear his loud breathing, "I-." He whispers, "I think we should get going."

I nod my head and when he isn't looking I roll my eyes and take a deep breath. I honestly thought he is going to say, 'I love you'. 

I guess he doesn't feel the same way I feel for him, because as crazy as it sounds. I think I have fallen in love with Christian... I think I have fallen in love with a Mafia.

I guess I don't see the bad in him, I don't really think I can imagine him killing someone or being so ruthless, I can only think of Christian as a guy who has had a messed up past , I can only think of Christian as someone who is caring and handsome.

I get up and wipe the sand off my ass - the sand is one of the most annoying things about the beach. I walk over to Christian who is cleaning up the car. I help him throw away some of the mess, we both then get into the car. Christian starts the engine and the radio starts to play, I lie my head further into the seat and I look out of the window. 

The sky looks so stunning but it also scares me a little bit, this world frightens me. Sometimes my heart and my soul feels empty, I just think about this world and morbid things like death. This world is full of so much heartbreak and it can be a huge adventure. 

That is my life... An adventure.

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Song - Adventure Club - Limitless Ft. Delaney Jane.

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