Beating the devil - 43

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Emerald's POV

I don't know what is going on - Christian is keeping something from me. He's being all secretive, overprotective and he's going out a lot lately. I really miss spending quality time with him, I want to know what's going on... Right now. I intend to find out his little secret today.

He's out again; every time that I ask him where he is going he says, "Work."

Really Christian?

I trust him, of course I do. I know that he will never cheat on me, that's not the problem. I'm just afraid that his 'work' is going to get him either hurt or killed.

I can't lose him. I love him so much I don't want to lose the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Everyday that he goes out somewhere I am always stressing out and worrying like crazy. Will he be ok? What if he gets hurt? What if someone else gets hurt in the gang?

I just constantly feel worried about him. I know that he is a gang leader, he makes tough decisions and he has to always be careful. I know that - but I don't want him to always have to be careful, I don't want him to feel like there's always someone out there wanting to kill him. I want him to be safe.

"Ugh he is so frustrating." I hear Camila shout as she walks into the living and she sits down on the sofa. What is wrong with her?

"You ok?" I ask her and she sighs.

"Christian." She groans, "He's keeping secrets, he's being crazily overprotective - it's hella annoying."

"Hella?" I repeat with a confused look on my face.

"Yeah it's my new favourite word." She exclaims happily. Her mood just changed like really really quickly - she's just absolutely hilarious.

Then I think about what she has just said... Not the hella part, the part about Christian keeping secrets and being overprotective.

"About Christian." I bring the topic up, "He's keeping secrets with me as well and he's being really overprotective." I say to Camila.

"I have a feeling it's something to do with Max." She sighs, "It has to be. There's no other possible reason why he is acting this way."

"Yeah." I mutter as I put my hands through my hair and sigh, "I'm going call him right now."

"Yeah he better answer." Camila says angrily. "Secrets are what ruin things, he needs to tell us what the hell is really going on."

I get my phone and dial Christian's number, I call him and call him and call him but still no answer. Ugh Christian you're absolutely despicable.

"Answer the damn fucking phone." I say as I grit my teeth and I call Christian again.

"I seriously don't know how you even deal with my brother." She sighs dramatically, "He's impossible."

"I have to find a way." I mumble truthfully, "Because I love him and because... He is my dear future husband."

"Great song reference." She laughs as I shake my head and laugh along with her.

"I'm going to call him one more time." I say sleepily. I phone him one last time and finally, he answers the phone.

"SERIOUSLY CHRISTIAN!" I scream over the phone.

"What's up queen?" He asks innocently. This man is unbelievable.

"Do not be what's - upping me mister." I say to him.

"Sorry." He sighs in defeat. "I know I should have answered your calls straightway."

"Yeah, damn right you should have." I groan. "Listen to me, you're going to come home... Now."

"Excuse me?" He asks.

"And don't be excusing me... Because I am not being excused right now." I say, totally not making any sense at all. "Get your arse home right now."

"But ba-."

"No Christian. Home. Now. Understood?" I say sternly.

"I-." He tries to say something again.

"No talking." I say in a whisper, "Get here now."

"I'll be there in twenty mins." He says and then he sighs. "Love you."

"Love me too." I say, "See ya love." I hang up and put my phone down. Camila gives me a look of shock, her mouth is open and she's just looking totally bewildered.

"I-I b-but how did you even do that?" She asks me with googly eyes.

"Do what?"

"He just listened to you." She states with still a look of pure shock on her face.

I just laugh at her and then smile, "It took some time."

"No." She shakes her and she laughs more, "Before, no one could ever be able to get through to him like that. You're amazing."

"Thanks." I say as I raise one eyebrow up and laugh.


"There's nothing wrong." Christian whines... And lies. Ugh, he better tell me the truth.

"Christian." I say in a warning tone, "Do not lie to me. Tell me what the hell is really going on."

"Emerald." He says back in the same tone I said his name, "I told you there's nothing wrong." He tries to kiss my lips but I move my face away, his lips just end up on my cheeks for a second.

"Christian! Stop lying to me and tell me the truth." I snap, he promised no more secrets. He needs to tell me what is wrong, I'm worrying like crazy and it's not good for our relationship at all.

"Look." He says after taking a deep breath, "I don't want you to worry about it ok. It's about Max."

I clap my hands, "Congratulations babe, that's all you had to say." I say sarcastically as I roll my eyes.

"I just didn't want to stress you ou-."

"Well you've been doing that." I cut him off and I put my hands on my hips. "You said no more secrets... So, seriously do not ever lie to me again."

"Ok." He says abruptly. "Now can I get a kiss?"

"You sure can." I say seductively, I lean in and kiss him on the lips. He wraps his muscular arms around me and I hold onto him more tight.

"I think it's time for me to leave then." Camila says awkwardly as she walks down the stairs.

I let go of Christian and laugh... Oh god.

"Stay for dinner." I say to Camila and then she bursts out laughing.

"You have your dinner." She winks at me and then she makes a strange face, "Yeah... I need to run. Have fun yeah." She says as she walks out, still laughing.

And oh god again.

I bite my lips and look at Christian, "I love you."

"I love you too Em." He sighs, "And I'll always protect you."

"I don't need protecting." I say as I out my face on his shoulders, "I just need you."

That was cute to write...

Thank you so much for reading.

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Song - Ruelle - Monsters | Shadowhunters soundtrack.

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