It's not a dream, it's a nightmare - 32

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Emerald's POV

"And I knew it." Camila jumps up in the air with excitement, "I knew you two were just destined to be together." She screams, she gives me a massive hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Ok, I need a pen and paper." She says seriously.

"Why?" I ask. I feel like she is going to give me a really silly answer.

"I need to plan yours and Christian's wedding obviously." She rolls her eyes, like I was supposed to guess exactly what she was going to say.

"Camila." I chuckle, "We have just got together, it's not serious."

"Fine." She mutters, "I shall plan your wedding with my brother later. Now though, we are going to talk to Christian, both of us."

"What are we going to talk to him about?" I ask her. My phone starts ringing, disturbing my talk with Camila. I look at her and then she says, "Just answer it."

I look at my phone, it's a private number. I scrunch my eyebrows and frown, I have a bad feeling this could be 'the bastard' AKA my dad.

"Who is it?" Camila asks me. "Emerald?" She says in a whisper still waiting for me to give her an answer. 

I get up from the sofa and give her a smile, "I'll be back, just need to talk to Christian." I walk up the stairs and I can hear laughing. 

"Well don't take too long up there." She shouts. I go upstairs and knock on Christian's room door. "Come in." He says sleepily. I open the door and go into the room.
He is still in bed, shirtless, messy hair and he still looks so dreamy. How is that even possible?

"Em?" He says as he gets up and gives me a hug. "What's wrong?" He asks me and he kisses my forehead.

"How did you know there was something wrong?" I ask him as he holds my hand.

"You have that cute worried look on your face." He gives me a smile. "So, what's wrong princess?"

"I..." I say slowly, "I got a call, it is a private call. I didn't answer it, I think it could be my dad. I haven't give my number to anyone else."

"Give me your phone please." He says, I get my phone out and give it to him. "If you get another call I will tell you but for now if you want to use a phone you can use mine." He says quietly.

"Everything's going to ok... Right?" I mutter with a sad look on my face. Christian pulls me into a deep hug, he sighs. "Everything is going to be just perfect Em." He whispers and then he kisses my forehead.

I give him a nod and a smile, "I love you." I say happily.

"I love you too baby." He smirks, "Go on, go with Camila while I try to sort out your phone."

I give him a kiss  and then I leave the room.

All I can think about right now is my father; how did I not know how evil and disgusting he is? It hurts me that he is my dad. He used to push me on the swings, we would go out and he would buy me ice cream... Now he is dead to me.

When I start to think about my dad, I end up thinking about my mum as well - it makes me cry to know that she never mentioned anything about my dad. Obviously she knew that he is in the Mafia, that's why she gave away Luke.

I just need to move on and I need to try my best to forget it all.

I go downstairs, Camila is sitting down on the sofa and she looks really upset. I sit next to her, "Camila." I say softly, "What's wrong?"

She wipes her teary eyes, "It's nothing." She quietly says, "I'm fine."

"Really Camila?" I sigh and I give her a frown, "Please tell me what's wrong."

"I just really miss my parents... I miss them so much." A tear drop falls down her cheeks as she bites her lips. She wipes away the tear and rolls her eyes, "They've been gone for so long and I thought I could forget but I can't." She shakes her head. "I m-miss them." She starts to cry more, I quickly hug her and try to calm her down.

"It's alright to miss them." I whisper, "I miss my mum. It reminds us how much we remember them... Which is a good thing."

Camila let's go of me and gives a sad smile, "How are you strong?" She asks which makes me feel so puzzled.

"I'm not strong." I mumble, "Not one bit. I am trying to be though."

"Well you're doing really great at it." She smiles and then she gets off the sofa. "Want to bake some chocolate muffins?" She asks and I give her a nod. We both go into the kitchen and prepare to make chocolate muffins.

"Em?" I hear Christian calling me.

"Just a min." I say to Camila and then I go to Christian who is sitting on the last step of the stairs. "What did you find?" I ask him.
"As I suspected, it was your dad." Christian says quietly and then he clenches his jaw. He shakes his head, "If he tries to fucking hurt you at all I will kill him." Christian mumbles.

As crazy as it seems, as much as I despise my dad... He is still my dad and the thought of him being killed makes me sick to my stomach.

It also makes me feel power, the bastard tried to force me into a marriage, he cheated on my mum, he helped kill Christian's parents, he lied to me, he kept my brother away from me... The list can go on. Come to think of it, he deserves to die.

Slowly and painfully.

He is no father of mine.

"Emerald." Christian whispers, "Are you even listening to me babe?"

I look up at him and nod, "Yeah sorry, I was just lost in thoughts."

"He won't hurt you. I promise you Em, I won't ever let him take you away from me."

I give him a smile and I bury my head into his chest, "I love you a Christian." I whisper as he kisses the top of my head.

"I love you too Em."

I hear my phone ring again, I look at Christian. He answers it straightaway and shouts, "What the fuck do you want?!"
He puts the phone on loud speaker, the person over the line doesn't say a word. You can just hear faint breathing. Then there's shouting, Christian furrows his eyebrows as I bite my nails anxiously. The line then goes dead and Christian slams his hands on wall.

"Fucking piece of shit." He mutters, "I swear I will destroy that bastard if it's the last thing I do." He says with venom lacing his voice. I look at him, he looks so angry and it sort of scares me a little.

"Christian." I whisper as I look at his hands and I hold it, "Please calm down."

Christian just bites his lips and shakes his head, "I got to go Em." He says abruptly and then he just walks downstairs, he goes outside slamming the door behind him. "Where are you going?" I shout but by then he is gone.

Oh for goodness sake.

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Song - Kygo ft Selena Gomez - It ain't me.

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