Honeymoon - 49

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Emerald's POV

Christian and I have been on our honeymoon - Turkey - for currently one hour. Everything is already going perfectly and I have this feeling of happiness in my heart that everything on our honeymoon will be stress free and just lovely.

The plane ride was sort of bad though, I felt extremely sick. I was constantly vomiting, it was sickening. I felt terrible the whole way through, my stomach was churning and my head was boiling.

A few days ago; when I had the pregnancy check up the doctor advised me to be more careful, to eat good food, to look after myself. She said to me to try not to get stressed - she gave a few good tips and it was really helpful. She explained to me that the first few months can be exceptionally difficult with the vomiting and all the hormonal stuff.

Right now I am helping Christian unpack few things because we are going to be staying in Turkey for three weeks which is super exciting. There's not a crazy amount of stuff to unpack so it isn't that bad, we just want to get the unpacking out of the way and then we want to have a cuddle and get some sleep.

"Em?" Christian says as he walks into the room, "Sleep, I'll unpack for you." He says to me softly and he takes away the clothes in my hand. He folds them up and puts them in the draw and then gives me a hug.

"No." I laugh, he's so cute and overprotective. He is thoughtful and he always puts me first, I love him so much. I give him and kiss on the cheek, "I'm fine, honestly. Let me just help you put the clothes away and then we can get some sleep." I tell him.

"Em-." He tries to say but I cut him off by kissing him on the lips. I put my arms around him and kiss with control.

I then say, "Ssh." And I put my fingers on his lips so he can stop talking.

"I think that the unpacking can wait." He says and he smirks at me. "Because I feel like unpacking you." He says in a mutter, I look at him with a confused face and then we start laughing.

He starts placing soft kisses on my lips and then down to my lips, he takes his shirt off and then he flings it across the room. He smiles at me and then whispers, "You really don't know how much I love you."

"Then show me." I say seductively. Christian gently takes my top off and then unclasps my bra. He looks at me and smirks again, I start blushing and then he laughs.

He takes off his trousers and then he slowly takes off mine, he removes his briefs. He takes my lace underwear off and he throws it on the floor.

Around two hours pass by Christian and I making love. He gives me full attention and he satisfies my needs - I know I'm satisfying all his needs as well by the way he is grunting and muttering swears.

Feeling absolutely exhausted I rest my head on Christian's bare chest and I trace his abs with my fingers. He gives me a kiss on the head and my eyes slowly feel heavy. I close my eyes and go to sleep as Christian holds onto me protectively.


I slowly open by eyes, I can see the sunlight shining. Beautiful weather for a beautiful day. I look at Christian and see him fast asleep, I give him a kiss on the cheeks before getting up and then jumping into the shower.

The warm water hits my body and it feels so lovely, I wash myself properly and then I get out of the shower. I look at Christian, he is still asleep - he looks so peaceful. I smile, I walk over to him and place a kiss on his forehead before heading downstairs and making some breakfast.

I decide to make some waffles, pancakes and coffee for Christian. I also make some waffles and pancakes for myself but with decaffeinated coffee - I love the smell of coffee, it makes me feel so calm, its beautiful.

"You." I hear Christian whisper behind me, "Should be relaxing." He says to me. I turn around and look at him with a look of confusion. 

"Why?" I ask him and I laugh a little bit, "Because I am pregnant?" I ask him rhetorically.

"Yeah." He shrugs his shoulders innocently.

"I'm pregnant Christian." I sigh, "Not ill." Christian has been much more over-protecive and over possessive and it is starting to get a little bit annoying. I am fine, he needs to realise that. I know that he is worried about me but I'm pregnant not ill. I don't need him to pamper me and I seriously do not need to be relaxing all day.

I am only one month pregnant, yes, I have been vomiting a lot which is terrible but other than that I am totally great. In-fact I have been feeling better than usual.

I have so much and I am so grateful words cannot even explain. I have my lovely husband that I adore. I have my family, my friends... And I have a little baby on the way. I am happier than I have ever been.

Christian sighs and looks at me apologetically, "Sorry." He mumbles, "You know I just want to keep you safe and healthy and happy and-."

"And you're using a lot of ands." I scold and then laugh. "I am safe with you, I am healthy and I am happy with you. I love you Christian, you don't need to always worry about me, I'm fine. Promise."

"You sure?" He asks me and I give him a nod. I bury my head into his chest and Christian places a soft kiss on my head.

"Let's eat." I say and I smile at him. We both sit down at the table and start eating our breakfast. There's not much talking between the both of us just cuddling and smiles.

He makes me smile a lot I guess... I love him so much.

RIP Avicii

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Song - Camila Cabello - Never be the same. (Fudging amazing song).

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