Still out for revenge - 35

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Emerald's POV

I know how I said to Christian that I will calm down, that I won't go after my dad. Well I'm sorry that I lied. Yes, I'm stubborn, very stubborn. I have to do this, I just have to. Even if it means that I have to go behind Christian's back. I'm really sorry.

My dad is going down and I'm going to be the one to bring him down. I know Christian told me that it is very dangerous but right now I don't care. I've lost almost everything, what else is there to lose? I've even lost myself, I don't know who I am anymore. 'He', my evil father did that, he took myself away from me. My whole life is a mess.

Christian is out, he has another drug shipment. The house has alarms, there is security and there are men outside guarding the house. I need to find a way to get past them... I think I have an idea.

I put on my black jeans, I put on a black top and I put on my black Nike trainers. I tie my hair up in a ponytail and grab a gun from Christian's room.

Now its time to escape. I really didn't plan this shit out.

I tiptoe down the stairs and then I get to the front door. There is a man there, very hench and scary looking. He is already very intimidating. "H-Hello." I stutter, "I-."

"What is it ma'am? What is wrong?" The man asks me with a worried look.

"It's just... I heard a noise from upstairs and I-I'm just creeped out." I lie, obviously. The man looks even more worried but he also has a look if anger in his face. He gives me his car keys.

"Wait in the car and don't open the door for anyone but me." He says, "Understand?"

I give him a quick nod, "Yeah thanks."

He runs into the house and just as I am about to leave the car keys on the table, I have another great idea. I'm sorry... The car is needed. I'll bring it back though do not worry.

I open the car door and I go in, I start the car with shaky hands. I haven't driven a car in a long time and I'm a little bit scared.

I can't believe I'm doing this. 

I start the car and I reverse back, I take a deep breath. Everything will be alright.

I drive to my dad's house with music blasting out from the radio. I have no idea what song is playing but it's loud and it's helping me feel less anxious so it's alright.

I park the car a few metres away from my dad's house and I then get out of the car. I look around, I look at my dad's house, it looks so dark, empty. It has a creepy vibe and it's making me think about the last time I was at my dad's house.

I was at his house to stay over, everything was so awkward at first but we still talked to each other a little. Then he got a call, he said he has to leave because of work. I was angry, I wanted to have time with my dad but he left.

I bite my lips to stop myself from crying, I just need to learn how to be strong because crying doesn't get you anywhere. I walk to the front of my dad's house, the gun is in my pocket and my heart is beating really fast.

I feel anger, hate and disgust towards my dad.

I'm going to warn him, I'm going to scare him. I want to end him... But when I think about that it frightens me, I can't kill my dad. I know how I'm acting all tough but I can't do that to him, as much as I hate my dad, I know I will never be able to kill him.

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