A date with Christian - 7

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Emerald's POV

My shift finished and Lola dropped me off to my house.

I sat on the floor by the fireplace and ate pasta while watching the news.
I don't normally watch the news but there's been rumours going around that there is a massive gang organisation - it's honestly so scary.

Unknown number is calling.

That must be Christian.

I answer the call.

"Hey Emerald". Christian says.

"Hi Christian, what's up?" I ask as I chew on the pasta.

"Nothing much." He replies.

"Well... first things first, how did you get my number?"

"I just got it." Christian responses.

Why am I being so paranoid?
I mean, it is weird that he has my number but I don't really mind, his a nice guy.

"So... that date that I wanted to take you on, are you up for it?" Christian asks hesitantly.

Should I just go?

I might as well, I've got nothing to do at home.

"Emerald" Christian says trying to get my attention.

"Uh, yeah sorry, I was just thinking. I would love to go with you." I reply.

"Great. Can I pick you up at six?"

"Yeah sure that will be perfect." I say smiling so much that he could probably sense it over the phone that I am way too excited.

After saying our goodbyes I hang up the phone and run upstairs looking for something to wear.

"Oh fuck, no not that." I mumble as I throw my clothes all around my room. I think I've said "Oh fuck, no not that" a million times already, where are my stupid clothes?

Finally I find something that is not tatty to wear.
I've also got some perfect heels and a dazzling purse that will look amazing with the dress.

Yay, I can't wait!

I iron out the dress a little bit and then I look at the time... I've got plenty of time.

What am I doing with my life?

It's two o'clock PM and I'm going crazy about what I'm going to wear. Pathetic.

I cleaned up the mess I made in my room, I actually folded up the clothes and I hanged some up as well.
I never normally do that... I mean who really does? I normally just put it in the draw, stacking it up with the other clothes and when I next have to wear any of my clothes they majorly need ironing out.

I then read one of my favourite books from Malorie Blackman, it's called 'Boys Don't Cry'.
I've read it a few times already, it's such an amazing book, I love it.

After reading a few chapters I looked at the clock again and it was already four thirty. I have a quick shower, using my best shower gels that smell of lavender.
I slowly get dressed while listening to music and dancing around the room like a weirdo.

I put on my heels and then apply another layer of nude lipstick.
There's a knock on the door.

Christian is here.

I go downstairs and open the door, Christian smiles at me - he looks so hot oh Lord. I need a fan.

He gives me a bouquet of beautiful violet flowers and then says "Gosh Emerald, you look like a damn queen."

"You look absolutely great." I reply smiling sheepishly, "Come in and sit down, I'm just going to put the flowers in a vase."

Christian comes in and closes the door, he sits down on the sofa eyeing me.

I go to the kitchen and put the flowers in a vase, then I go back into the living room.

"Would you like something to drink?" I ask.

"Nope, are you ready to go?" He asks as he gets up.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I say and then I grab my purse.

I follow Christian outside and go into his car.

He has a bloody Ferrari.
I've never seen a Ferrari before... Only on tele but that's it.

I sit down and fiddle with my fingers.

"You alright?" Christian asks with concern in his voice.

I nod my head, "So where are we going?"

"My house." He replies promptly.

"You can cook." I state in an impressed tone.

"Don't be so suprised." Christian says chuckling.

The drive to his house took about half an hour and it wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. We talked about different things and I got to know a lot about him.

His funny, sweet, caring and undeniably sexy but I find it difficult to trust people so it may take me a while to fully trust him.

I'm acting like he is going to propose to me, what the fuck. He has only asked me out on one date. I need to chill.

The car stops and just as I am about to open the car door Christian rushes to it and he opens the door for me.

"Thanks." I say quietly and he smiles at me.

I look at Christian's house and my eyes are glued to it.
This is so amazing. I've never seen such a massive house like this, it looks like it is something out of a Hollywood movie.

Christian unlocks the door and signals me to go in and then he follows behind me, locking the door.

I can't believe my eyes. He did this all for me...
The dining room was beautifully set up, candles in the middle of the table, food and drinks as well, it was probably the best thing I've ever seen in my life.

No one has ever done this for me.

I sit down and Christian sits down opposite me. We carry on talking about general things and then we eat.

The main course was absolutely delicious and I was tremendously enjoying my time with Christian.

After fifteen minutes Christian's phone starts to ring and he apologises before answering it.

"What?! Fuck it! I'll be there soon." He shouts angrily over the phone.

He gets up and says "I'm really sorry, I've got to go, I'll be around ten mins. Just eat and go to the living room, watch TV or something." He kisses my cheek and then runs out of the house.

He just left me in his house..?

I don't think about it too much, I just go to the living room and watch tele - I catch up on EastEnders.

After thirty minutes I just get really impatient. I'm busy and I have work tomorrow morning.

I've messaged Christian several times and I've also called him but he hasn't responded.

I get up and find a paper and pen.

I'm busy, I had to go. Thanks for your time - E.
I write and I leave it on the sofa before leaving the house.

Thanks for the food Christian... Bye now - that would be me.

Thank you for reading.

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Song - Taylor Swift - Ready For It

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