Engagement party - 42

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Emerald's POV

I am still in awe - it's almost unbelievable. I am really an engaged woman. I look down at the beautiful diamond ring on my finger, it's shining glamorously. I smile, I'm so happy to be with someone that I love dearly. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Christian.

I get up from the bed and sigh, I didn't get much sleep last night because I felt so excited. I am really freaking engaged to Christian Rodriguez.

I look through my wardrobe and find a beautiful dress - today it's my engagement party. Camila and Lola both have no idea what this is about, I really can't wait to suprise them. Their looks on their faces will surely be memorable - I am sure mine was when Christian proposed to me.

God I must have looked like a goldfish.

I don't know why I made a reference to a goldfish, it just sort of popped into my head and felt fitting.

Anyways I put on the dress, it's so beautiful, it's a light pink colour and it's long. It has patterns all over it, I think I have fallen in love again.

I'm joking.

It's a dress.

After putting the dress on I start on my makeup. Going to get all dolled up today. It's my engagement party... Of course I am. I put on some primer, foundation, I do some of that contouring or whatever it is called. I put on some highlight, eyeshadow and mascara. I finally put on a pretty red shade of lipstick... Done.

I then start on my hair, I put it in a bun and then leave curled strands of my hair out. I also put on a pair of diamond earrings and a gorgeous dazzling necklace.
I put on a pair of heels ad then head off downstairs.

I walk down the stairs... You know them times when you feel like a princess and you're just going down a long set of stairs. That's what I feel like.

Come to think of it though, even though it feels pretty pleasurable - feeling like a princess who is walking down the stairs - it's also very tiring so I think I'll next just take the lift.

I really don't know why I didn't do that first..?

"Oh my-." Christian says as he woke over to me, he gives me a hug and kisses my cheeks. He's in a black suit and he looks ever so handsome, wow. "You look so gorgeous Em, you look- Just wow." He sighs as he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my shoulders.

"You look lovely as well." I compliment him back. It's true, he looks freaking amazing... He always does.

"Thank you babe." He whispers, he kisses my forehead and then smiles at me. "I'm going to go and finish off setting the table." He says as he walks into the kitchen, "Guests should be here soon."

"I'll help you." I say as I walk into the kitchen as well.

"No." He says abruptly, "Rest, just sit on the sofa and relax. I know you've been up all night worrying."

"And how do you know that?" I ask him and I laugh.

"Because you didn't deny it babe, now go." He goes over to me and kisses the top of my hand. "Love you gorgeous."

"You too." I say as I walk out of the kitchen.

I sit down on the sofa and take a deep breath, yes I really am tiredI look at the clock, it's already 1:00 now, they're going to be here in thirty minutes... Guess I'm just going to watch a whole load of YouTube videos.

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