He is over - 45

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Emerald's POV

"So is he... Is Max dead yet?" I ask Christian hesitantly. Let's just say talking about Max is a very touchy subject and if I accidentally say something wrong, Christian can overreact just a little.

"No." Christian says as he takes a bite of toast. I look at him and sigh, I then sit down on the sofa next to him.

"You can tell me what's wrong Christian." I say to him slowly, "I know that you're tired, stressed out and stuff but I'm here. You know we're supposed to tell each other things and help each other."

He looks at me and gives me a sad smile. "I'm sorry." He sighs, "I'm just tired and grumpy. Sorry for being so rude to you." He holds my hand and kisses the top of it.

"Just talk to me when something is wrong." I say and then I lean my head on his shoulders.

"I will babe." He kisses my forehead. "I'm going to go ok, I'll see you later, love you."

"Can I go with you?" I ask him. He never let's me go, he goes on about how it's not something that I'm ready for.

"No Em." He says and then he leaves the room. I tiptoe out of the room, I see Christian walking up the stairs.

I've got a plan.

I look around for a set of spare keys for Christian's car - there's got to be some around somewhere... FOUND THEM. I hold them up and smile victoriously.

They weren't even that hard to find but I am still so proud of myself. Oh just shut up and stop talking to yourself.

I go outside, unlock the car and I go into... The boot. Obviously. Not that obvious but if I hide behind the back seats, I know he will see me. I lock the door again and then I just sit in the boot and I wait for Christian.

Sitting it the boot isn't really a great idea and I don't think I will be doing it again. My back is already hurting and there is no space for my legs. Darn it.

I hear the car being unlocked - finally. Christian gets into the car, he starts the car and then starts to drive. It's going to be a bumpy and very uncomfortable ride I guess.

The car stops and I jump up in suprise. Ouch. I hear Christian getting out of the car, then I hear the car being locked. I look at him as he goes into the warehouse.

Ok maybe not so much of a great plan because how the hell am I going to get into the warehouse when there are security guards surrounding the place?

I carefully unlock the car and I get out by going on the other side, I open the car door and go outside. I look around, hopefully I don't get caught.

I lock the car door again and then I go around the back, I try not to make any noise at all. I've got to be careful right now, if I get caught... Shit will go down for sure.

As I go around the back I see a massive gate around it. Shit. Crap. Poop.

I'm going to have to climb the gate.

"Ugh." I groan, "What possessed me to do this anyways?" I mutter as I roll my eyes. I lick my lips and take a deep breath, I hold onto the metal gate and I try to climb up it without injuring myself. I get at the top and then out of nowhere a loud alarm goes off. WHY! Oh God. There's also a red light that's flashing at me, the alarm is deafening. Please stop.

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